A new old world in a nutshell
An experiment to explore human flourishing
The idea – in a nutshell
Why.... such a project?
What …. kind of project?
How …. to realize such a project?
–Group energy and phenomenon of creative attention
– Basic requirements for “laboratory technicians
1. Consensus regarding historical positioning
2. Consensus regarding personal priority list
5. Desire for research and adventure, creativity and transformation
4.” “You can’t always get what you want
7. Decoding as a permanent task
8. Experience with the so-called Law of Attraction
10. D-Lab Activities
c.) The support line
What if …. realized such a project?
About the operator
A new old world in a nutshell
An experiment to explore the factors for human flourishing
Anyone who feels an urge for change and has a spirit of discovery is not entirely wrong here. Those who like to explore themselves more together with others in a solid team are even less wrong here. Those who also like a sensually practical everyday life in combination with creative activity will come pretty close. And finally, anyone who, in view of the dramatic world situation, has recognized the urgency for action and at the same time feels a desire to collaborate on a simple, pragmatic and yet profound solution proposal for the seemingly unmanageable and complex problems of a civilization in permanent and increasingly culminating crisis, such a person is then quite right here. But attention please: If you can’t really delve into a topic and look at it through the eyes of an unbiased researcher, you’re completely out of place here and don’t need to read any further. Neither superficiality nor cleverness, neither titles nor orders are asked here. Since nobody likes to be put into such pigeonholes, most people will hopefully continue reading despite this somewhat derogatory sounding remark. Because even in pigeonholes you can still learn something, even if you already think you know what is good and right, and what is not. Here someone speaks from his own experience ;-). And anyway, it is not judgmental, but only meant as a precaution to reduce the risk of stealing each other’s time. On the other hand, not only people with the ability to concentrate are in demand, but also fire souls with heart blood in their veins together with a good portion of intuition and common sense in their luggage. Others than such will be able to inspire themselves anyway with difficulty for such a thing like this. Once the enthusiasm has been awakened in the truest sense of the word, the rest will follow almost by itself.
In the age of short-lived charts, chats, and swipes and, on the other hand, completely entrenched views, people with depth and vision are as hard to find as the infamous needle in a haystack. Or should we already say like the haystack in the needle cluster in view of the sanctioned fixation? One can probably already guess. Also, the following texts will not exactly be modest and will neither satisfy the moral nor the political correctness of this time. Even if this is mainly a very pragmatic and literally hands-on project, for the time being not only such hot potatoes as digital contamination (on top of all other possible environmental poisons), climate mania and fear pandemic as well as causal connections between these topics will be on the table. Even well-known sacred cows like property rights, work ethic, nuclear family as well as the extremely unhealthy and depressingly nonsensical modern everyday life and its fatal consequences are not all slaughtered right away, but nevertheless touched upon quite unabashedly. To this nonsensical nonsensicalness belong the deadening and downright eerie disappearance into screens just like the stressful rest of a normal everyday life, in which as a rule also and especially the elixir of life of eroticism falls by the wayside or increasingly takes refuge in the cyber world. There it now consumes the largest share of all data sent, as unbelievable as that sounds in view of the gigantic amount of data that is transmitted every day. Some people may regard eroticism as a kind of luxury to be indulged in when all the other, supposedly more basal things of everyday life have been taken care of. Not so here, where the daily portion of eroticism (not to be confused with sex, please!) is considered as important as daily bread. The human being is an erotic being, from childhood to old age! In the modern everyday life, the last remaining rest of magic is disposed by the separation of all what belongs together – old from young, ill from healthy, man from nature, work from sense. Down to the nucleus of the atom, one has separated what originally belongs together. There, however, where a separation would be announced by nature, one tries to abolish it. Starting with the mixing of feces with urine (probably not without reason there are separate body orifices by nature) and in general with liquids, which provides for gigantic quantities of polluted waste water, while clean drinking water becomes more and more a scarce commodity and is already traded as the gold of the future, up to the mixing of the sexes with the current de-manning of society and the inevitably following de-feminization, which leads in the end to de-humanization. The current gender mania is only one of the many expressions of the great confusion of this time, even if the sanctity of this now extraordinarily stupid cow is so far not really taken seriously by too many and rightly not even traded as a lukewarm potato. That’s why it’s not served here, of course.
In contrast, the hottest potato of all time will be on the table. Although not as the main ingredient, but as the most filling and nutritious side dish, and the most overlooked in philosopher and utopian circles, whether consciously or unconsciously. An extraterrestrial who would have informed himself only about such sources before starting a journey to Earth would get a shock after arriving on this planet. The ancient and most momentous problem of all times of the sexual instinct, which is usually already suppressed in childhood and therefore mostly insufficiently lived out in adult life, will therefore fill some lines here. It is the strongest and most feared force in almost all cultures. It is probably the most difficult to handle and therefore the most suppressed elemental force. Accordingly, many problems arise from it, mostly hidden under the normative surface, where it then does its uncanny secret work. It is not by chance also the force which creates new life. What could be stronger than that? And what does it say about human cultivation that this force must be permanently suppressed? There will be no peace on earth until this mighty elemental force can flow in healthy channels. By peace on earth is meant not only the absence of warfare between nations, but especially the daily petty warfare in the form of competition between people. However, as with every other unsolved problem, there is also a great potential in this one, which must be used.
Of course, with the latter topic – as with all other topics addressed here – no problem will be brought up without also coming up with proposed solutions. Seen in this light, no one needs to feel left alone with the otherwise widespread and depressing cultural pessimism, especially among the cultural elite, usually made with a raised forefinger, but without any concrete vision of the future, except perhaps a few half-baked and abstract proposals for more democracy and humanism or the like. Mostly it ends then with appeals consisting of straight usual catchwords to prepare now nevertheless finally times the moral and political corruption an end. So far, the Corona crisis has not been able to change much in this respect. But we can observe a larger number of those from rather non-intellectual circles who have given up the old hope of a slow but steady improvement of the existing system just as much as the newer hope of being able to return to the “good old” normality. But even if that were to happen for a shorter period, these people would no longer be satisfied with that. The shot has been heard, and bridges to the old normal world have been burned. These are exactly the people this project is looking for. Clear-sightedness and the courage of despair are enormous potentials that must be used.
Others, who can’t stand it anymore for a long time, escape from the normal “sub-sensible” into a spiritual supersensible world and think that they can fathom the great mystery of our existence there. It is an escape into the world of faith, which is against all other assumptions just like thinking a pure brain activity, and therefore also just as misleading. This riddle of our existence must remain simply unfathomable for man. It can never be more than a veiled hunch that there is probably some unfathomable creative power at work, which relates to everything and everything. With this, however, everything should be said, and no further time should be wasted with this topic. Those who nevertheless thinks to know something of the riddle’s solution and distinguishes himself with it to gather followers around himself, is either insane, extraordinarily needy of recognition, or simply a lazy sack who hopes for an easier life freed from strenuous work at the expense of the credulity of people. For this supposed knowledge is usually not completely free. Every religion and every spiritual creed, no matter how philanthropic it may seem, is built on this delusion of grandeur of supposedly knowing something about things that elude our five senses. One does not need to expect topics from the area of this kind of supernaturalism here. Keep the church in the village, as they say ;). What is described here under the menu item “The phenomenon of creative attention” has nothing to do with esotericism or the like. There it is about a law of nature like that of gravity. That it is at the very bottom of the table of contents has nothing to do with the priority of this topic. Exactly the opposite is the case! So, those who want immediately to the core of the matter, this main chapter is recommended as the first.
Whether one likes the proposals presented here is, of course, another matter. But at least something concrete is offered here for once, which, moreover, does not necessarily have to lie in a distant and nebulous future, but could theoretically and practically be implemented within a few years, i.e., historically speaking, it could be just around the corner. How this proposal differs from transhumanism and other delusions that are currently circulating should become clear very quickly. This draft differs from the few other concrete visions of the future from the more alternative corner by the fact that it is consistently thought logically to the end. Who wants to see beautiful landscapes disfigured with such moronic ideas as electricity-producing windmills, and then even 50 years after the emergence of this crazy idea still have no solution for the so-called energy problem even remotely in sight? In general, those who still believe in electricity as the holy water of civilization can no longer be helped. Whereas something like this windmill story in view of the other crazy ideas of the “Climate Warriors”, or whatever you want to call this modern version of the “eco-socks” of yesterday today, almost looks like a harmless turtle prank, and has only a symbolic character. After all, the pact with the “Young Global Leaders” could finally make long-cherished wet dreams of a “Global Climate Lockdown” with a subsequent “Green Scoring System” come true and transform the smell of previously only somewhat cheesy smelling eco-socks into an acrid sour one. This is how it has always been when religious zeal unites with worldly power. Then it becomes especially dangerous for the common people, which is increasingly uncertain and confused. It is and it has never been easy to see through in the long history of mankind, this game with the partial truths which every denomination makes use of. Because of course most people feel that there is more between heaven and earth than what one can grasp with his five senses. And of course, most people now see that the environment is not at all in good shape, and that this in fact constitutes a real threat to life, at least for future generations. In this desperate helplessness, supposed messages of salvation find their followers – without wanting to imply any malicious intentions. Because everyone always wants the best. Everything is always meant well, isn’t it?
“The opposite of good is not evil, but well-intentioned” (Kurt Tucholsky, German writer).
If you think self-praise stinks, you’d better hold your nose or switch off altogether. This also applies to those who deny nobodies without rank and name any competence to talk about such complex topics at all. And whoever finds this all too far, or whoever finds this simply too many topics at once on only a few pages of text, which could just fill a thin booklet, where one could normally expect a whole stack of thick tomes, had better leave it at the preface. If, on the other hand, even these following pages with a reading time of about 90 minutes are still too much and too top-heavy for the presentation of a novel concept of society together with a concrete proposal for immediate practical implementation, one can first rush to the chapters External Framework and Hypothesis, to be found under the main chapter WHAT …. for a project? (that’s where you’ll find most of the colorful pictures;-). To create the framework presented there as well as to examine the hypotheses theoretically thoroughly and to experience practically oneself in body and soul, should clearly constitute the strongest driving force, if one wanted to participate in this project. Human curiosity, therefore, and the ardent desire for clarification of a situation which sooner or later will become untenable, from which in the meantime no one in the whole world will be able to free himself and which above all cannot be overcome without the healing of his own mental wounds. If one skips the preceding chapters, one should be clear, however, that one skips thereby also the spiritual foundation of this project and aims only at the ridge protruding in airy height. But however, one approaches it now, it will hopefully be an enlightening read.
The texts presented here were written by a construction craftsman and have not yet been edited by any expert hand. The same applies to the design of the website, which was also created without any expert help. Please take this fact into account and perhaps exercise appropriate leniency. Perhaps try to focus less on the style and more on the essential statements, which may not seem new in themselves, but are unique and new in their composition.Grammatical corrections as well as comments and suggestions for stylistic changes are most welcome (e.g. via GoogleDocs). Likewise, any technical or design assistance to the website will be gratefully received.
THE IDEA... in a nutshell
What do you think would happen if a group of people were allowed to live indefinitely under the best conditions imaginable, or what a team of experienced researchers thinks are the optimal conditions?
And what are actually the best living conditions for the being called Homo Sapiens, in general and now especially in this phase of its evolutionary history?
Would this being flourish and thrive to an unprecedented degree if the framework conditions for optimal everyday life developed by the research team were in place? Or would perhaps the exact opposite occur? Would the participants in this experiment die and wither like a plant that gets too much of a good thing? Or would the result lie somewhere between the extremes, with a condition called vegetating in the plant world and a normal everyday life in the human world? Or would this way of life have positive effects on health, creativity, and sense of community only in a part of this experimental group, while other parts would become more prone to illness, inertia, lack of imagination and antisocial behavior? Will envy, greed, jealousy and resentment be deprived of their breeding ground when the eternal stress of the struggle for survival suddenly becomes a thing of the past, or will they not? Will it perhaps even lead to vicious chaos, as in the medieval story about the land of milk and honey, where people no longer must work hard to earn a living? Can material and emotional security as well as joy in everyday existence perhaps be downright obstructive to the learning processes of being truly human? Are constant constraints and the pressure of suffering, even temporary hardship in catastrophes, virtually necessary for a person to mature to become a strong personality? Do good living conditions make people worse, while bad conditions actually make them better? Does the image of the miserly rich man and the noble poor man who gladly gives the shirt off his back to alleviate the hardship of others come from an old wives’ tale, or not? How much joy and how much suffering does a human being need, how much work and how much leisure time, how much secure community, and how much individual freedom, to thrive optimally? Could it play a role that our civilization has, since time immemorial, focused on the constant threat of scarcity?
“You shall work by the sweat of your brow …”
The prevailing theory is still that of the necessary pressure to suffer as the driving force for further development. Accordingly, pressure was and is exerted on those members who do not want to bow to this dogma without further ado but prefer to enjoy the “good life” as best they can without coming into too much conflict with the prevailing dogma. Above all, exclusion from the solidarity community was and is threatened, even if only through the loss of one’s job. For whom this is not deterrent enough, the laws of the state and its helpers are supposed to put religion and science in their place.
This project is about exploring what happens when this permanent pressure is removed or reduced to an absolute minimum.
The factors that must be present for this state to occur and what then happens to the participants in the experiment are to be explored in this social experiment. A newly built village with an urban character is to serve as the framework, which is to combine traditional ways of living and working with the demands of modern people, especially regarding personal freedom and creative leisure. Through proximity to nature and daily physical activity in it, through processing of its raw materials, through completely self-sufficient self-sufficiency, through a community constantly present in the vicinity, as well as through the alternation of tranquil village life and lively city life, these factors should – at least according to the working hypothesis – have particularly positive effects on the development and well-being of people.
Based on diverse experiences with new community forms as well as cultivation methods such as permaculture, a design was created for a village with an urban character for 200 inhabitants for the time being, with the possibility of expansion up to 3,000 inhabitants later when the time is ripe for the transformation from urban village to village town.
No more than a small handful of fixed rules and a low-tech way of life will characterize the place, which is designed for complete self-sufficiency. Trades such as agriculture and horticulture, small livestock, crafts to produce clothing and commodities, hospitality, art and music will serve to generate the basis of life. Between these trades, only non-monetary barter will most likely develop due to the given geographic framework. During the start-up phase, which is expected to last four years, offers of both traditional and new forms of naturopathy as well as therapeutic methods for personal development are to be offered in addition to technical assistance for coping with practical everyday life. During this transitional phase, it should still be possible to use the state health care system at the same time.
The aim of this social experiment is to explore the factors for human flourishing and well-being m. H. a form of life in which, above all, a fixed “tribal community” provides a sense of security and cultural identity necessary for the human psyche and at the same time guarantees a maximum of personal freedom.
After the four-year start-up phase, the site is to be completely self-sufficient at all levels. The planned educational institutions, such as the International Low School and its exchange program, as well as the scientific and media support for the project, should ensure a lively exchange with the outside world. This will also be helped by the expected day tourism, which is likely to arrive quickly simply because of the special architecture of the place. The biggest attraction, however, will be the inhabitants themselves and their way of life. The overriding motto of this way of life could be:
Out of the head, into the body!
A way of life that is strikingly different from normal modern everyday life, where being constantly in one’s head has become essential for survival, at least in economic terms. If, according to the working hypothesis, the expected blossoming of the participants will occur on all levels of existence, this will only increase the attractiveness of the place.
Finding a healthy level of public attention by regulating both the expected crowds and the media interest, i.e.,finding the right dosage of this “super fertilizer for the ego”, will be one of the team’s main tasks. The so-called ego, i.e., the personality of each individual, is seen here not so much as a problem, but rather as a potential that has so far been underutilized, as it is part of the healthy development of a human being.
The special feature of this way of life, apart from the above-mentioned solid community, is to satisfy all basic human needs and at the same time to offer an abundance of opportunities for personal development, including the freely available time needed for this, which is now the greatest scarcity in the modern world. In the world of indigenous primitive peoples, on the other hand, the scarcity is rather in the satisfaction of human curiosity. While the modern world is already completely oversaturated in this respect – moreover, on a rather one-sided diet – here there is a real hunger to learn more about the world outside one’s own. These two scarce commodities, freely available time and freely available opportunities for experience, should be available in abundance in this concept presented here.
This way of life, together with the neighborly closeness of a stable community in everyday life, will very soon lead to a feeling of both collective security and individual freedom, i.e., create a sense of belonging and independence at the same time. At any rate, this is the hypothesis underlying this project, which will either be confirmed or refuted, but in any case, thoroughly investigated. Feelings of alienation and separation, which have become commonplace in modern civilization and are the cause of much psychological and physical suffering, will also soon be a thing of the past there, according to the hypothesis. Physical detoxification through this way of life will bring further rapid improvements especially at the level of both physical and mental health, while at the same time the creativity of the inhabitants will begin to unfold. Human well-being will reach unprecedented levels, at least that is the prediction of the hypothesis.
This project can be seen as an attempt to solve the many social and environmental problems of human civilization. It is a self-chosen claim that such a project can be implemented relatively easily in all parts of the world with only minor adaptations to the respective climate zone and that even with a further increase in the world’s population, there would be space and food enough for everyone even if all inhabitants of the earth chose such a way of life. How else could one speak of a proposed solution?
The newly established living space is to be designed and managed by a team that is to meet in the first phase of the process in a kind of creative workshop with the provisional working name The D-Lab. It is important, especially at the beginning, to give sufficient time and attention to the topic of community building in order to become familiar with its principles in theory and practice. This includes, among other things, methods for personality development from various therapeutic directions, such as Gestalt or trauma therapy. The goal is to create an authentic and binding group, without which the actual creative process cannot take place, without ending up again in the dead end of dependence on certain leaders. So the principle of the All-Leaders-Group must be absolutely understood. Of particular importance for the entire creation process is the knowledge of the phenomenon of creative attention, which could be considered as a kind of extended version of the so-called Law of Attraction. In this process, the conscious, emotive visualization and the heightened vibration of an authentic and focused group are used to create physical realities.
It is part of the D-Lab’s fixed program to do physical work together in gardens, forests, and fields or in kitchens in the morning, while the afternoon is to be devoted to creative project work. The latter could consist, for example, of literary work on a novel about the future entitled “The Experiment” and an accompanying comprehensive encyclopedia. Drafts for this are already available. Each of the two works shall describe in its own way the everyday life in a until then fictitious place down to the smallest detail, before this place shall be created in the real world “as it is written in the book” ;-). The physical creation of this place is the final goal, the mission of this project, so to speak. The detailed description of the circumstances including the expected practical everyday life of the participants of the experiment will be valid to represent in the encyclopedia, while the novel is to give rather insight into the expected emotional challenges over an exciting action. As a literary model one could imagine, for example, a work like “The Lord of the Rings” divided into two books, where the actual plot in the novel is not repeatedly interrupted by the detailed depictions of historical, ethnic and geographical conditions. Likewise, there are designs for the architecture of the landscape and the buildings and furnishings of the place, where quite a bit of detailed work also awaits.
Talent for writing or illustrating would be an advantage but is not essential. The talent could also consist, for example, of tracking down the appropriate writing and illustration talent. Other possible tasks are described in the main chapter HOW…. to realize such a project? Subchapter Activities of the D-Lab. So, the overall aim is to first describe in detail and make pictorial a future worth living and loving, which is also practically possible and does not have to remain in the world of fantasy novels. Because “In the beginning is the picture ….”. A new and yet old and familiar world must be designed, so small, manageable, and understandable that it could fit into a nutshell compared to the size of the rest of the world.
WHY… such a project?
Turningpoint in historyFar from what science and technology once promised, namely prosperity and more free time for personal development, we are moving toward an increasingly stressful and unhealthy lifestyle that is also moving further and further away from true human nature. The current collective panic attack has made it particularly clear in its pandemic scale. On a philosophical or spiritual level, this irrational global wave of fear in its mixture of mass psychosis, mass hypnosis and mass apathy could thus already be seen as the coronation and climax of an ancient, unresolved conflict between opposing inner forces in the human being. This conflict has been known as an unresolved problem at least since ancient times. This conflict is about the apparent contradiction between the need for collective security on the one hand and the longing for individual freedom on the other. Drama about drama is about this apparent contradiction. It could also be called the conflict between female and male principle, between Mars and Venus and Yin and Yang, between right and left brain, between matriarchy and patriarchy, etc., or simply the dualism of this world. The last act of this drama, however, could well end in a tragic catastrophe of unimaginable proportions, if the collective consciousness does not soon put its full attention on this unresolved conflict, which is now more prominent than ever. The permanent fear of death, which is indeed widespread in modern culture, actually plays only a minor role in this drama. This age-old fear, which makes perfect sense from a biological point of view, has now become nothing more than a henchman that the two protagonists use to frighten the other side. With the one this stooge is called deadly virus, with the other planned genocide, or at best Charlatanerie. But the main roles are played by the protagonists called Collective Security and Individual Freedom. There should be no doubt about who is setting the tone right now. The long aria of collective solidarity is being sung in the highest tones, and at this moment there is no interruption in sight where the other protagonist, the freedom of the individual, might come to the fore. The once hard-won fundamental and human rights are in rapid retreat. At this turning point in human history, there is now nothing more urgent than to design solutions and visions for a promising future for which it is worth working and fighting for, if need be. The vast majority of people are incredibly exhausted by the stress of modern life, and many former idealists have also grown tired of futile efforts and struggles. The promised land seems further away than ever before.
“Even the future was better in the past” (Karl Valentin, German comedian)
This quote by a well-known German comedian from the first half of the last century was certainly not meant in jest. Hope in the form of a promising future usually makes a hard everyday life more bearable. Earlier generations were still guided by visions such as socialism, democracy, and prosperity for all, with the goal of someday being able to leave the hard struggle of everyday life behind. And it was not even necessarily about their own well-being, but often only about that of the next generations. Our ancestors fought and toiled away “for the sake of their children and their children’s children. What is the vision of the future today? A globally controlled security state and transhumanism, the Brave New World ordered to perfection according to the old principle of divide et impera? Except for a small minority of the global elite, this idea does not seem to be very popular with the public – if anyone at all is still interested in that future which is further away than the carrot stretched in front of the donkey’s nose. At best, this consists of a career ladder with an attached petit bourgeois nuclear family model. But these are now almost privileged people who dare to dream of such a conventional way of life. With the large mass this carrot hangs considerably shorter before the mouth of the donkey. There one hurries from one badly paid job to the next, without prospect of a change soon. It is now like the proletariat of the 19th century, where people lived from hand to mouth. Today, this is only happening on
a slightly higher material level. Now it’s not just about the next month’s rent and stuffing hungry kids’ mouths, but also about the next installment for the small car loan, booking the annual vacation and buying smartphones and Netflix subscriptions, as well as brand-name
clothes for the kids as a kind of armor against the increasing bullying. What a life!
But the donkey seems to get more and more tired of this game, and sometimes even becomes biting and rebellious. Most of these weary ones, however, simply get some disease at some point, whether depression, eating disorder, diabetes, or cancer. The list of diseases of civilization is endless. And just as people tried to alleviate the suffering of the proletariat in the 19th century with people’s kitchens and improved sanitary living conditions, they tried to do the same for the mass of the people in the 20th century with social and health insurance and steadily increasing consumption and material possessions. This worked reasonably well for a few decades. The apparent security provided by Father State coupled with a lot of distracting compensation kept the masses at ease, and the number of those who could dream of a bigger carrot in the future grew considerably thanks to the new education systems. But especially since the social and educational systems are crumbling vigorously and moreheavy crises are shaking the world, the hope of ever getting to that carrot is diminishing more and more, even if one has grown old and wizened like the dried-up carrot in front of one’s nose. Chemical and digital pollution is visibly worsening the condition. It numbs the senses of modern man, and increasingly also the queen of the senses, intuition, instinct, sixth sense or whatever you want to call it. This is also the home of so-called common sense. And it seems to have dissolved in most of the population due to anesthesia and panic. Even the former cultural and intellectual elite seems to be befuddled. In any case, only a few have heard the loud warning shot of the Corona cannon directly in front of the bow of the ship called humanity. At best, this side once again calls for prudence and warns against splitting the crew into good and evil, but this only has a very short-term effect or no effect at all on a crew that has become panicky and does nothing at all to resolve the situation itself. This intellectual numbness is just another sign of the seriousness of the situation. The small remaining band of intellectual critics is mainly preoccupied with hunting down culprits. This usually results in all sorts of theories, but all of them have one thing in common, namely the notion of good and evil. Same old story. Meanwhile, the real Mr. Bad Guy hovers over all our heads and is fed by our fears. This escaped spirit refuses to return to the bottle and is none other than the prevailing zeitgeist. Fear is its junk food, to which it eventually became addicted, and which has now apparently made it so sick that even the darkest scenarios such as genocide to solve
the alleged problem of overpopulation can no longer be banished to the realm of conspiracy theories alone. Some things could unfortunately suggest that the current events cannot be explained solely by the usual greed for power of large corporations and the megalomania of technocrats but may also be attributable to some insane architects of a new world order. But even they would never have come to the levers of power if the spirit of the age had not allowed or even encouraged this.
The disenchanted zeitgeist
What could now bring the escaped spirit back into its bottle? Or even better: Is there perhaps a possibility to retune this spirit and make it useful for the benefit of all, i.e.,, in the sense of “…. and goodwill to men on earth”?
It would have to be something more tempting to this mind than the junk food of FEAR. The opposite of fear is TRUST. Trust is not to be confused with faith/thinking, and not with love, which is only the feeling, which arises, if trust is in the room and then causes appropriate actions. Trust is the most delicious soul food there is. If that is then spiced up with a sensual everyday life, this delicious dish could perhaps be irresistible even to the spoiled zeitgeist. That is essentially the basic recipe of this project. Deep trust can enchant and is the key to the gate of heaven, and a sensual and consciously enjoyed everyday life in the garden behind this gate is the highest appreciation one can give to creation. So, this project is primarily about creating trust, or rather, restoring the deep trust with which we were all once born. This is not about supposed trust in a well-meaning higher power that will sort it all out. That didn’t work, I guess you could say. It is about trusting in the gift of one’s own intuition, also called primordial trust or trust in God, and trusting in one’s fellow human beings, which is an indispensable part of solving the primordial problem. To regain this trust has the highest priority in this project and is also seen as the greatest and most important task of the coming age. Once this trust is restored, everything else will almost take care of itself. And if the table is covered in addition still with a sensual everyday life, a “real existing paradise on earth” does not have to be so far away at all. So that’s what this project is about, namely trying to approach such a “paradise”.
…. peace on earth and goodwill toward men”.
For this it requires also an appropriate everyday life, except of course, one belongs to the small circle of the enlightened ones who can still float meditatively above the things even under cruelest circumstances. To create this everyday life – the “good life” – in a small experimental model, that’s what it’s about here. It is a rebellion against the thought-controlled world that has created the present circumstances. Out of the head, into the body! It is the attempt of a sensual revolution against the domination of headiness, starting in a small nutshell, which maybe someday, somewhere, somehow drifts ashore and reproduces, even if it is only in the hearts of a few seekers. It is no more, but also no less.
Vision Fatigue
After so many failed attempts in the course of human history, future utopias for a better world should finally bear fruit, and very soon. The people’s soul of this civilization is so exhausted that an imminent total collapse up to collective suicide could no longer be in the too far distance. All previous theories about a better world and resulting models of society have failed. The most prominent of such models in Western culture are probably Christianity and communism, while the idea of the self-regulating forces of the free-market economy is currently disintegrating. These were always projects with the very best intentions, of course, what else, unless one suspects that there might be such a thing as ultimate evil. “The opposite of love is not hatred but indifference” (Elias Wiesel, rom.- am.writer, Holocaust survivor).
Many of the more recent utopian ideas emerged in the spiritual wake of the revolt of the young generation in the sixties of the last century, i.e., the movement of the hippies and left-wing intellectuals, most of whom came from the bourgeois middle class. The rebellious and at the same time fun-loving approach of the hippies went around the world with pandemic speed, especially thanks to the music that went with it. Nevertheless, the rebels had “bad cards” from the beginning. It was not so much the initially hostile conservative forces that quickly tamed the rebellious spirit with commercialization and needed it back in the bottle. Very soon, some of the new manners and fashions were also adopted in the mainstream – as if infected by the new virus. The “bad cards” consisted rather in diffuse lack of direction on the one hand or stiff dogmatism on the other. Many new and old ideas appeared. But in all new forms of society and community designed at that time, some decisive elements were missing, i.e., in relation to basic human needs (see menu item WHAT …. for a project?chapter Healing the Primal Trauma). Without satisfying these needs, nothing will be able to be achieved in the long run in a direction that could be called “… and pleasing to man”.
Nature, also the human one, cannot be tricked in the long run. Many well-intentioned projects are full of all kinds of theories about how man should be, instead of finally taking human being as it is.
“Let man be noble, helpful and good” (Joh. Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet)
Instead, rigid thought constructions and dogmas are raised again and again to keep the supposedly evil nature of man in check. If one looks at the actual nature of the human being once more exactly without the glasses colored by some theory on the nose, it must lead inevitably to trouble sooner or later if one does not pay attention to this. Like always, if one cannot or does not want to see the reality of nature and tries to replace the sober observation and the intuitive realizations resulting from it sometime by abstract thinking. It is a momentous bad habit to try to solve not only practical matters, but also essential things of the life by means of the thinking apparatus.
But nevertheless, all these experiments with other life forms were and are extremely important experiments. Unfortunately, there has been nothing so far that could be considered successful in the long run, at least in terms of human well-being on all levels of existence, in the sense of being in accordance with the true nature of man. This will probably also be the reason why such projects have not inspired too much to imitation, although the longing for a life in harmony with nature and above all in harmony with a solid and at the same time open-hearted community is no longer only very great in alternative and dropout circles. It seems high time to use the too diffuse or too rigid models of the past as a foundation to build on it solid and at the same time living places, strong and at the same time pliable as a body.
That was now the brief analysis of the current situation including forecast, which is the starting point for the strategic orientation of this project. Without knowledge of one’s own position, any navigation is useless, not only in maritime, aeronautical and space navigation. Without a known position, you might as well save yourself the trouble and just sail off in a blue haze. This may well be a strategy that many pioneers and “fire souls” often prefer. For this project, however, such a strategy is unsuitable, if it can be called a strategy at all. The more exactly one knows one’s current historical position, the more precisely one can align the navigation according to it, and the safer, faster, and more comfortably the goal can be reached. That is the sense of any navigation. Therefore, now the….
Historical Positioning
Historical Positioning
Psychosis, like apathy, is at the extreme end of a long series of mental disorders, whether on an individual or collective level. All these disorders are reactions to difficult situations and, in a sense, an outlet for the human soul when worries and fears have created too much overpressure. Such overpressure can be created, for example, by constant bad news about predicted collective catastrophes. In ancient times and in prehistoric times before that, such news was mainly spread by religious prophecy. In more recent times, this role has been taken over by scientific analysts and their towering screamers, the mass media. These messages feed people’s fears daily and – this is the real threat – thus create their own narrative of the future, which in turn creates the future reality. Also known as the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy, which has nothing esoteric about it at all. This is simply reality. This reality must first be grasped in its full dimension to truly understand the strategy of this project.
It is the prevailing narratives, today also called narratives, as well as the belief in it, which create the human reality, as unfamiliar as this assertion may sound now also for some first. The light of the stars in the sky or the rustle of the wind in the trees, or the taste of a cherry or the smell of a horse as well as every other perception would not make sense for humans alone by the physical appearance, if there were not also a suitable explanation to it. That is what narratives offer, whether they have religious, scientific, or other theoretical packaging.
“The falling tree that is not heard does not make a sound”.
The meaning of this quotation of an old English sage was in principle also the subject of the famous discussion between the atomic physicists Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. Does the world exist only through the perception of man, or is it completely independent of it, as Einstein claimed and expressed with the famous quote “God does not play dice“. Bohr’s thesis, on the other hand, of the influence of the environment by the human attention is considered today not only by leading quantum physicists as the one which corresponds to the reality. Indeed, one does not need to be an atomic physicist to understand this phenomenon, or rather law of nature.
“The best fertilizer is the farmer’s footprints”.
This is a proverb from an indigenous culture in Oceania. Of course, this does not mean the footprints per se, but the sensual attention that the farmer passing by every day pays to the plants. Every attentive gardener knows this, and every animal lover. With our own kind comrades however the eyeglasses of the prejudice are put on faster, whereupon one tries then to bend the respective being and usually also oneself exactly, as one would like to see it gladly by the respective eyeglasses. This is called education for children, discipline for adults.
The prevailing explanations of reality, the so-called narratives, naturally differ according to age and culture. The revolutionary new and yet already ancient realization that human attention not only influences reality, but is even its cause and creator, forms the intellectual basis of this project. So anyone who still believes in the narrative of an omnipotent God, dice-playing or not, probably won’t have much fun participating in this project. One should already be speaking roughly the same language if the work is to lead to anything reasonable. Recognizing the potential of creative attention is what makes the ABC of this project. It is about telling a utopian story first. Whether a new narrative will emerge from it remains to be seen. The most important task of the project and of the present time in general is to lower the generally high level of fear and instead to create healthy trust and strong confidence in the future. Just by experiences at body and soul TRUST can develop relatively fast between the people, and with it a strong antipole to the FEAR can be formed.
Because whatever problem you trace back to its source, you will always end up back at the lost trust.
This loss of trust naturally generates fear, because without trust there is a permanently(!) uncertain situation. This contrasts with the animal world, and to most primitive peoples, who experience only short moments of danger at a time, after which everything returns to the familiar order. Like after a violent storm, where the normal weather pattern is only briefly shaken up. Modern man, on the other hand, lives as if in a permanent low-pressure area, where one bad weather takes over from another without a longer high-pressure situation ever being able to prevail. Today, this is called permanent stress. To create this antipole to the permanent fear is to be tested within the framework of this social experiment, which tries to awaken a new and at the same time ancient longing of mankind.
Man’s greatest longing is to finally be able to be a free individual in a safe and reliable community.
The loss of the traditional tribal community as a way of life lasting for thousands of years is the lost biblical paradise, and accordingly the regaining of this community – now admittedly in new forms – will be the coming “paradise”. So far it is almost always an “either – or” decision, i.e., either a secure community or personal freedom. Any number of taboos and laws have been installed since time immemorial for the purpose of confining the individual within his or her limits. Only if one bypasses the written or unwritten rules of normal society by passively distancing oneself, or even by breaking the rules at the price of actively becoming an outcast, can individuation with all its nuances really unfold. This often has the price that one loses the previously secure community in which one grew up. The laudable attempt to establish democratic models of society with their social security systems can, at best, provide material support, but because of the sheer scale involved, it can never provide the need to belong, even on an emotional level, to a secure and stable community that extends beyond one’s immediate family. But that is a basic human need – just like personal freedom. If, on top of that, the trust in traditional systems dwindles and the material security of the future seems to be endangered by all kinds of crises, it can become psychologically very stressful for the great mass of people. Their psychosis/hypnosis/apathy, which is taking place in these times, is a clear reaction to the increasingly disappearing trust in the previous systems.
Therefore, divorces today often have these harsh and sometimes tragic consequences. The couple relationship has become the most important and often the only source to maintain the feeling of emotional security in a solid and mutually committed community, while everything around one becomes more and more non-committal and seems to be about to disintegrate. When the last stable cell collapses, this is a catastrophe of the greatest magnitude for a social being and “horde animal” (see below) like man.
The struggle between these two opposing forces, collective security vs. individual freedom, began about 10,000 years ago, according to archaeologists. At that time, the more matriarchal tribal cultures, which were more concerned with collective security, began to be replaced by patriarchal structures, which were more concerned with individual freedom. The individual freedom may seem paradoxical in view of the extent of subsequent enslavement, the climax of which we seem to be experiencing right now with the establishing surveillance society. But one should keep in mind the original driving force, namely the need of the male part in man to finally be his own master, to be free from the constant domination of family and tribal associations, which is also a kind of surveillance society. The fact that this rule was and is always granted only to the small class of the rulers, moves with this way of looking here for a moment into the background. Moreover, this privilege of ruling is always accompanied by the fear that competitors or subjects might one day revolt and take everything away from you again, which is usually a great disaster for the painstakingly built personal identity. In any case, being a ruler does not imply much freedom. In the foreground of this consideration here shall be the already mentioned two driving forces, which are always in the center of all tragic or comic dramas, on a collective as well as on an individual level. These two driving forces, so far working against each other, are always called collective security vs. individual freedom. Whether heroic epic, crime novel or doctor’s novel, the dilemma is in principle always the same: should one follow the given rules of the community, or one’s own impulses. The aim of this project is to largely eliminate this situation of eternal “either/or” decisions and to allow both needs to be acted out in a protected space, thus satisfying an age-old longing of mankind. One could also call it the reconciliation of matriarchy and patriarchy, the chakra wedding of belly and solar plexus, or the human-historical transition from the age of defiance into the school age, there, where one usually takes over first responsibility also for his
environment. No matter whether one looks at it now through the historical, esoteric or pedagogical glasses: As already mentioned, this process should not happen without the inclusion of the prehistoric “horde culture”/the root chakra/infant phase, i.e.,,: integration of all basal needs, which include not only food, drink and a roof over one’s head, but to a large extent also the living out of one’s very own sexuality as the life-affirming driving force that it is. Only if these 3 aspects are united, the primal drives, the community and the personality, one can speak of a wholeness, and even provide it with the fashion adjective sustainable. Because no model of the world will be of long duration if it does not follow the rules of nature.
So much for the historical positioning from which we navigate. Mankind stands therefore at the end of the defiance phase and tries now to flee back into mummy’s arms or into megalomaniac children’s games, i.e., security and surveillance society or transhumanism and conquest of other planets or some other nonsense. But the “inner child” of the collective unconscious suspects that it cannot go on like this. It must move out of the self-centeredness, which was necessary for the individuation, but now stands in the way for a further development. It must open itself for the new age, where one can approach again the community, without having to make large cutbacks with the personality together with its needs. Then the three first chakras would have united in the fourth. If this succeeded, it would not only bring peace at last, but an unprecedented blossoming of mankind, a “golden age” without equal, would be imminent. Transferred to the child of school age, this would mean to finally get the long-awaited wish fulfilled, to be allowed to go to a wonderful school that recognizes the true needs of the child.
Small oases of everyday happiness need to be established, which can also act as signposts or even lighthouses for others, and which present themselves to the outside world through the pure example of this way of life. Learning by doing. That is in principle the basic idea.
If this project should succeed in the sense of the hypothesis, one could call it also quite a school for learning the heart chakra principles, one wanted to sound somewhat esoteric. If it should rather sound somewhat scientific, one could regard it as a place, where archaic, matriarchal, and patriarchal cultures shake hands, in order to herald with a new culture arising from it a new age, for which there will probably be a name at the earliest, if it has become the present. If it succeeds to create such a present, the history books of the future will look accordingly differently than today and no longer drip with blood, sweat and tears. And if they do, they will be drops of blood brotherhood, sweat of pleasure and tears of joy.
“Those who can enjoy the present will have a wonderful past in the future“.
Hordes and heroes
In the past, norms were set by tribal leaders or family clans, which were then packaged into appropriate narratives to be communicated to the common people. This was done either by shamans, priests, or storytellers. Their explanations of the world created the respective spirit of the times. Today, it is the leaders of political or commercial organizations who create the zeitgeist through the media.
To be excluded from a community, whether in prehistoric or modern times, is always a deeply traumatic experience and firmly anchored as a primal fear in the subconscious of a “herd animal”, which is what man is (and not a herd animal, which is a serious error, e.g. regarding the appropriate size of places and state and social structures). Therefore, it is often easier to avoid the unbearable emotional pain of not being accepted by the community. Not being seen as the unique and wonderful being that each individual happens to be creates the most widespread trauma par excellence. This explains not only today’s crazy world situation, but also all the other unreasonable and sometimes cruel actions that people can inflict on each other, although they actually appreciate and love each other, e.g. within families. Just like a tribe can suddenly attack another tribe, although they have lived in peaceful neighborhood for a long time before. War between whole nations – when man has turned from a horde animal to a herd animal – is then the ultimate culmination of a collective trauma, which wants to discharge itself outwardly in a psychotic act. For a sensitive person, it is often easier to move away from the traditional community and, for example, to a large city. There, one usually experiences greater tolerance and openness, but also more indifference and anonymity instead of the commitment of a village community. Even if economic reasons seem to be the main reason for moving to big cities today, individual freedom and better opportunities for self-realization are consciously or unconsciously the main driving forces, at least for the curious, creative, and dynamic forces of a society. In fact, they are the ones who actually write the scripts of history, because they shape the spirit of the times. For a community, this is an extremely important layer, without which a culture very quickly stagnates and merely vegetates. This rural exodus to the big cities can be seen as an expression of the deep human longing to be able to reflect oneself more in the most diverse characters of a city. “Know thyself,” reads the inscription above the entrance to the ancient Oracle of Delphi. It is the strong longing of individuals to finally be able to be themselves that has not only created cities and empires but has also given our culture intellectual and creative flights of fancy that would never have been achieved if the bravest individuals had not repeatedly stepped out of the norms of society as well as the narratives associated with them. They are the frontrunners of every new development. They are the ones who once drove the Tower of Babel, and just as they are now the ones who will be the first to leave that tower and return to their tribes with new ideas of coexistence, even before the divine wrath will send the confusion of languages and end the Tower building forever. The cyber-pandemic sends its regards- What the prophet of the time apparently did not consider as a possibility is that the tower could be rebuilt into a huge prison. May he be right.
Why so few heroes?
All eras of human history tell of them, the front-runners of the zeitgeist, of gods and heroes, of struggles and suffering, of successful victors and tragic losers. Until today these stories are told every day anew, today mostly only in more modern versions, mediated by modern media. Among all these thousands and thousands of stories, however, you will hardly find one that deals only with the dreary monotony of an everyday life. A monotony that is a daily reality for most people! Why do most people love dramas and heroic stories, but obviously do not wish anything else for themselves than a reasonably effortless and halfway pleasant everyday life?
Why do the majority admire all these heroes and heroines, but don’t want to be like them themselves?
The search for an answer to this question was and is one of the strong driving forces behind this project. A partial answer to this question can already be given to all those who are firmly convinced that most people just want to be entertained with illusions of a more exciting everyday life than their own, i.e.,, for the purpose of distraction from their own monotony, and that this is the main reason why all these dramatic stories are so beloved, and that it has always been and will always be so. Such an image of man does not correspond to the full reality.
‘The Good Life’
Imagine a place where it makes no sense at all to spend vast amounts of energy to build sky-high towers, to build huge empires or to have a dream career, and where there is no constant attempt to reinvent the wheel or the deep dish, to split atoms or to conquer new planets – while the population has to pay the expensive bill for such megalomaniac nonsense. A place, and where it makes no sense at all to accumulate more than is necessary for a winter supply, because there will be plenty to eat also in the following year. For this place will not attract robber barons, nor the more modern version of that, tax collectors, for the simple reason that there is not enough accumulated for it to attract human parasites of any kind. Imagine a place where no one feels the need to anesthetize themselves through the accumulation of goods,
money, power, work, or drugs of other kinds, including, in more recent times, the number one drug of the people, the Internet and its cyberworld, as an expression of the search for a more fulfilling world than that of one’s everyday life. To create a vision that awakens the above-mentioned longing for individual freedom embedded in collective security, a vision for which it is worthwhile to commit oneself – that is the task of this project. What could be better than to live a completely self-determined everyday life in an authentic community, including fulfilling activities in harmony with nature in a contemplative and at the same time varied place with many possibilities to meet and exchange, to experience oneself and to develop oneself? Wouldn’t that almost exceed the term “the good life”, and should at least be called “the better life”, if not the best?
The most exciting question in this project is undoubtedly what will happen after people have tried this way of life for a while. Will they want to return to the old modern world? Or will they prefer to stay in this model of a new old world because they have become healthier, happier, and more creative? If so, how quickly will this happen? Days, weeks, months, years? What are the participants dissatisfied with, what are they satisfied with? What can be changed about it within the given framework? Or perhaps a person can never be truly satisfied? Is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence? Are envy, greed, and jealousy innate traits as impossible to shed as the urge to urinate? Is it also just another narrative of sociology that says a good environment produces good people? Or has humanity perhaps not suffered enough? Is a man nailed to a cross supposed to symbolize the painfulness of life on earth until physical death finally liberates sinful man and transports him to divine paradise? Is this the message of the narrative that has subsequently become reality and is now to apply until the end of days? Is eternal peace only for those who have ascended to heaven? (except, of course, for the enlightened few here on earth;-) The creation of an everyday life adapted to the nature of man, of the simple and good life, with pragmatic solutions to eliminate the imbalance between the dualistic poles mentioned at the beginning – that is the task of this project. If the hypothesis about the factors assumed here to be indispensable for human well-being (see Ring of Needs below) will be confirmed in this experiment, this model of society in a nutshell could
become a proposal for a new old world, which need not be in the too distant future. Once a sufficiently great longing is awakened, thatlonging will make its way. History teaches us that. If the result is the opposite of what was expected in the hypothesis, the right formula has just not yet been found. Or else it confirms the thesis of our ancient culture, which says that life must be a hard struggle. “Work you shall in the sweat of your brow ….” Then mankind is just not mature enough for a “real existing paradise on earth”. At least however all experiences evaluated observations could be very useful to this research topic in the future. Because since time immemorial already nothing occupies in principle the philosophers more than the question about the sense of the existence and to it correspondingly the right way of life.
Then there is still the big question to answer, whether such a good life is good for us humans at all, and whether we can become better humans not only by suffering, as it symbolizes e.g. this figure nailed to a wooden cross. Similarly suffering can be the theory of the unfortunate wheel of karma. Would we, for example, degenerate into decadent loafers and good-for-nothings in a life of materially saturated everyday life, as in the medieval fairy tale about the land of milk and honey? And would social equality and free sexuality, as in the Irish version, the land called Cockayne, lead to total depravity and savagery, to pure Sodom and Gomorrah?
One must recognize and accept that most of the people want nothing more than to finally be able to live a reasonably comfortable everyday life before this part could feel ready to explore completely different dimensions for once, be it on an intellectual, artistic or spiritual level. One goes voluntarily on a hero’s journey only after security has been experienced. The building of towers and temples in search of power or enlightenment, the conquest of empires and new planets, the discovery of the atom and the cyber world – the fulfillment of such megalomaniac longings has always been reserved for a relatively small and privileged minority, usually acting out of at least a material sense of security, i.e.,, coming from a relatively good home. The most brilliant among them became leading figures in politics, religion, philosophy and culture, and the somewhat less brilliant perhaps successful merchants or distinguished scholars, nowadays called market leaders and scientists.The members of this small minority, who are allowed to develop their own individuality more than the rest of the population, have dominated the world in the last millennia in order to free the individual m. H. of patriarchy from the clutches of matriarchy, or whatever you want to call the social circumstances now. The fact is that the masculine energy still dominates in most areas of daily life and there are only a few small niches such as the social areas or art and music where the feminine part of man is given a little space. Now this small ruling minority with its strongly male part is about to confront the whole world with threatening scenarios. An abyss of total chaos lurks on one side and a desert of total control on the other. It is a choice between plague and cholera, and it is high time for something completely new. And yet it must be old-fashioned if it is to appeal.
.”What we know, we love.” The roots of culture run deep and should therefore never be overlooked. That’s why traditions and rituals play such a relatively large role in this project. It is not for nothing that nationalist movements of all kinds are on the rise in the wake of increasing globalization. Rituals and traditions are a kind of déjà vu of the collective subconscious, a kind of recognition, so to speak, which usually conveys a peculiar feeling of security. In order to awaken this feeling, It is entirely in accordance with the Eve principle of seduction generally applied here. Just as Eve was once able to get Adam to pluck the infamous apple from the tree of consciousness, so now she must try to get him to simply let go of the spasmodic clutching of the apple in his hand – the faculty of thought – and direct his attention to the other delicious fruits of the tree. “Out of the head, into the body”
Get real!
It is crucial to recognize the current reality and situation in which we find ourselves. Because you must know your position in order to navigate reasonably.
To understand the concept of the project, it is necessary to perceive the current patriarchally structured society in all its nuances, which includes, among others, degenerate feminism. Recognizing the enormous power and force of patriarchal structures without condemning or even condemning them is the first step towards this. For it is the same masculine energy described, for example, in the biblical story of creation that finally led humanity out of the comfort zone of biblical paradise. As indicated earlier, this condition does not necessarily reflect the animal kingdom, as so often interpreted, but rather the sheltered tribal society and its predominantly matriarchal forms of rule (even if there is a chief, he is usually only the tip of a spear firmly in the hands of the older women of a tribe). Eve encouraged Adam to pluck the fruit from the tree of consciousness, but, unfortunately, in his now developed megalomania, he kept the apple firmly in his hand, and cut off with his new sword at most a few thin slices for sweet little Eve. Today, this is called art, culture, and social issues. But on the other hand, without Adam’s megalomania we would have not experienced the Age of the Enlightenment, and at all no so free development of the individual, which can produce – among others – also geniuses. Then, there wouldn´t have been music of Mozart, no books of Goethe or Mark Twain, no books at all, no air travel, no Fischer dowels, and not even the use of the fire would be discovered without Adam’s spirit of research and courage to the action. But much worse would be that we would not have individual freedom on a scale that has probably never existed before in the history of mankind! If one takes a closer and non-idealizing look at tribal societies, including those still in existence today, one gets a glimpse of the greatest achievement patriarchy has made for humanity, namely, the emphasis and emphasis on individual free will over community constraints. Especially the era of enlightenment and the era of capitalism with democracy and welfare state, which is still going on today, have stood out in this respect, also there is no better symbol for the age of the 3rd chakra than the Sun King. The free will of the individual, even if it has so far applied to the full extent only to a small minority, is the driving force and strongest weapon against in principle quite matriarchal ideas such as communism, democracy, and welfare state, in whose ideas of care for all the welfare of the community should always be in the first place – at least according to the original ideologies. According to this, these ideologies are based on the female energy. “Each according to his abilities, each according to his needs”.That sounded very tempting but was very quickly completely taken over again by the male energy, which could find no clearer expression than through a coolly calculating bureaucratic dictator like Josef Stalin. His opponent Adolf Hitler, with his National Socialist ideology also appealing to a high degree to the sense of community, on the other hand had almost feminine traits in his publicly presented and authentically appearing emotional outbursts. Today, the acute threats consist of tendencies that are referred to with buzzwords such as transhumanism and The Great Reset, this unfortunate alliance of masculine megalomania and feminine addiction to security issues.
Individual freedom vs. collective security – it’s the same old story,repeatedly. But the great victory celebration of today’s dominant male energy and its selfish individualism is now in its final phase and has turned into a veritable mass orgy of pure narcissism that will end in a severe hangover of loneliness and isolation, followed by deep depression and all sorts of other diseases that are already spreading like pandemics around the globe. Not to mention the great collective catastrophes that will almost certainly befall humanity and could indeed lead to collective suicide unless a drastic change in consciousness will also lead to a drastic change in the general political course. No, this is not about “peanuts” like climate change, which is not an unknown phenomenon in the history of mankind and therefore should not be a threat to survival given the adaptability of man over the last 300,000 years or so. That what´s new and very sick, that is that people are now stubbornly trying to maintain this harmful and totally inflexible industrial way of life by any means necessary, and even calling these attempts environmentally friendly and sustainable. If only they would at least address the real problems, such as the yet totally unsolved problem of nuclear waste, which is a very real deadly threat to all humans and many other living things on this planet. Since this problem, like most other toxic industrial wastes, will very likely require high-tech disposal solutions, the project presented here cannot, of course, provide a practical solution to it, and can only collaborate in the general change of consciousness. In contrast, it has a practical solution for climate change, at least as long as it is not more than a few degrees up or down in global temperature. This is because it is a very mobile model that could become nomadic in no time at all if necessary. Most other environmental problems would also be solved quite easily in one fell swoop with the model presented here. It says itself that one would not get far with the presently existing structures of course with a nomadic way of life and would suffer also under the unsolved environmental problems. But again, to the reminder: It is the self-chosen requirement to develop a model that could be lived, if necessary, by the whole mankind. Structures can sometimes change quickly, as history teaches, and sometimes even collapse within a very short time. Such a collapse should not be wished for, at least not before the above-mentioned nuclear and toxic waste problems have been completely solved. That’s why this project sees itself mostly called to awaken a longing for a different way of living and thus to work on a change of consciousness. The fact that it is at the same time a refreshing oasis appearing in the industrial deserts, it could possibly even be a kind of life raft in the event of the sinking of the “world ship”. But that´s a secondary aspect. It is rather a beginner project than a dropout project!
The awareness that one will not be happy in the long term as long as one’s neighbor is not should already be present if one wants to participate in such a project. Even if it is only a small-scale model for the time being, it could, if successful in the sense of the hypothesis, contribute to a general rethinking and thus perhaps also move politics and science to finally face up to the most urgent real problems. Provided, of course, that these leaders have not in the meantime completely succumbed to megalomania.
What seems unsolvable today, such as the problem of nuclear waste, could probably be solved with a similarly strong collective focus on the problem. Then such “peanuts” as plastic waste and other large-scale environmental pollution such as with glyphosate or nanoparticles, as well as thousands of other problems that seem insoluble today, could be solved relatively quickly. This would also include radiation pollution from cell phones and Wi-Fi, which has gotten completely out of hand. Undoubtedly, all this would mean several decades of intensive cleanup, where a bit of recycling (yet another crackpot idea) and eco-certificates will certainly no longer suffice as an alibi, and windmills, solar cells and electric cars will only make things worse. As if the gigantic plastic and electrical waste mountain were not already large enough, one wants to fill the world now also still with the still much more poisonous batteries. How ignorant do you have to be not to see this? The former environmental movement, after years of futile struggle, has pushed aside seemingly unsolvable problems and has now thrown itself into other areas, such as that of climate change, with only supposed solutions. As can already be seen very clearly, this can only end in a completely monitored society, whether in an Orwellian or Huxleyan version. People are so caught up in the delusional notion that only the industrial way of life can be considered that a voluntary exit seems to be out of the question altogether. Such visions are immediately relegated to the drawer of illusory daydreams of nature romantics and hippies. It´s deliberately overlooked that the Stone Age cultures still existing today are in many respects better off than modern civilization, i.e.,regarding a relaxed everyday working life and the lack of fear of material scarcity, although they live on a much lower technical level, or not although, but because they live on a low technical level. Such cultures can at most be driven into permanent poverty by the ruthless advance of civilization.
But instead of daring to take a closer look at this topic in an unbiased manner, the now red-green painted cart of civilization is being driven further and further into the industrial swamp. This seems to be more acceptable than comparing the narrative of a supposedly better life in modern industrial society with reality. But it may well be that, sitting on this cart, one can simply no longer see any alternative. For this purpose, this project is now supposed to represent a kind of rescue plank that is put over the stuck cart and offers a way out of the swamp and into a flourishing landscape.
This project is not just about trying out a different way of life than the industrial one and involving the public in the process. This project is about getting to the bottom of the interpersonal problem that has caused and will continue to cause this gigantic mess until the core of the problem is addressed. If the root cause of a problem is not recognized, all attempts to find new solutions lead to new versions of the old problem. The only difference then is usually that the intensity of the problem increases more and more, and the energy of the person concerned decreases more and more. A fatal situation, which could lead to a deadly end, which is also called Apocalypse, Ragnarök or similar in our culture. It can be that the time is simply ripe for it, and the whole trouble to set such a project in motion is completely in vain. Then you just must console yourself with the fact that you just couldn’t help it, because nothing else made sense, and because it was fun to imagine this new old world in your imagination. And who knows? Perhaps one has laid thereby a seed into the collective consciousness for the future, even if this germinates only in thousand years and sprouts, and perhaps even still on another planet. Who can know? However, if it is not yet game over anytime soon, but the age of patriarchy/solar plexus chakra/drought age of humanity will only continue with a global technocratic dystopia, then it is high time to act and do something, but WHAT?the hell!
Before arriving at a possible answer to this crucial question, there is one all-important principle that must be heeded even before taking the first step. That is the ….
The Preacher Syndrome
It is true that this is here about creating a utopian vision, but not about propagating this vision as a new message of salvation, for heaven’s sake! One would attract negative energies like the dung the flies. It cannot be emphasized enough that this is experimental research that seeks to find out something about how people best thrive at all levels of daily life. First this is to happen in literary way in word and picture, afterwards in the physical reality, God willing, or Tao, or whatever one wants to call the all-created and mysterious creative power.
Because of course such an experiment could also run contrary to all expectations of the hypothesis. It could, for example, end in a community that sinks into material and/or emotional chaos or slips into a religious sect or political party. But not even the most horrible of all possible scenarios, an exemplary CO2 neutral, electronically monitored, sterile and deadly barren single family home neighborhood could be considered a failure. So, this project cannot possibly fail as long as it is considered an experiment. Even if the hypotheses were to be partially or even completely disproved, and not even a single participant flourished against expectations, that too would be a result that could be used for further future research about factors of human flourishing and well-being. Trial and error is now the method of the researcher. “KnowThyself”
WHAT… kind of project?
Funding and LocationFunding and Location
This project is to be a privately financed, scientifically and medially accompanied social experiment, whose outer framework is a newly built village with urban features. Initially for about 150 adults and 50 children and young people. There should be an option to expand to up to 3,000 residents. A small handful of easily understood rules and a relatively low technological level are the most striking features of this concept.
In the so-called First and Second World countries, i.e., the modern industrialized nations with their many bureaucratic institutions and complicated restrictions, this project will require the official status of a social experiment, simply to obtain the necessary special permits, e.g. for the planned construction method. Approximately €10 million will be required to purchase the land and construct the proposed buildings. For the support program with external experts during the start-up phase until full self-sufficiency, another €2 million must be budgeted. In countries of the so-called Third and Fourth World, the developing countries, where there are often fewer bureaucratic restrictions, the official status as a social experiment would probably not be necessary or perhaps even more of a hindrance. There, even an amount of about 500,000 € would already be sufficient (which would roughly correspond to the price of 3 German single-family houses, 14 new cars of the middle class or the 250th part of a fighter jet of the type of Eurofighter). In these parts of the “underdeveloped” world one hopes desperately for the help from the modern civilization. The fact that it was exactly this civilization that caused the great need in the first place is usually overlooked or deliberately ignored in order not to fall out of favor with the investors from the respective countries. Except, of course, one has to do with the good-naturedness of NGOs. Then you can beat the sympathy drum all the louder.
But there is also something about the much-maligned modern civilization of the Western model that exerts a great fascination on almost all cultures, and that is why most cultures are willing to let themselves be drawn into the maelstrom of this civilization. This fascination must be deciphered if one wants to get to the core of the problem. More on this below. Only so much in advance: It concerns again the already at the beginning mentioned primal conflict between the two dualistic poles. In these countries, too, this conflict is literally crying out for a solution.
The advantages of developing countries in terms of opportunities for this project are obvious. First and foremost, the much simpler and faster implementation should be mentioned here. Because time is pressing. The iron curtain of the fearful zeitgeist could fall down again at any moment and become impenetrable by digital surveillance. The permanent lock-down, in other words. Any freedom of movement that still exists could be so restricted within a very short time that it will simply be impossible to start such a project.
Another advantage in developing countries could be the participation of members of indigenous population groups, which are even more common there. After all, “the last will be first” :-).
Time-jump to the Golden Age
Whether first-world or last-world, the very low-cost relative to the size of the project and number of housing units is mainly due to the chosen pre-industrial technological level, which is roughly equivalent to that of the late 17th century in Central Europe. However, this level is enriched with some recent low-tech inventions that will greatly facilitate living and working comfort compared to the daily life of the population at that time, about 250 years ago. Viewed with a purely linear understanding of time, such an idea will, of course, immediately be described as an unthinkable step backwards, since it is usually the state of technology that is considered the measure of all progress. In the project presented here, however, the “good life” and the corresponding everyday life are the most important yardstick at the top of the scale. The more pleasant and fulfilling everyday life is perceived by the inhabitants of this place, i.e., the healthier, the more satisfied and the more creative the people are, the more progress has been achieved. In the course of history, several ideologies have made similar noble resolutions, only to achieve the exact opposite of what was intended. “The goal is in the way”. Should only the way be the goal? Is only the here and now and nothing else important? Is that the way it is? Is the road to hell always paved with good intentions? Or has one perhaps only again and again overlooked something quite essential? Was perhaps simply always the wrong goal aimed at?
“Forget prudence, forget prowess. Then joy will return to the people”(Lao Tzu, chin. philosopher).
The historical epoch of the 18th century was for Western Europe not only a kind of “golden age” of crafts and arts, poetry, and music, but above all an age of revolutionary and fundamentally new ideas! Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – what an outrageous demand after millennia of firm belief in godly hierarchical orders. Also, the conquest of the American continent with its seemingly unlimited, or rather. less regulated possibilities, aroused new hopes and visions of an age with more freedom. Promising was also the discovery of another continent, that of individual feelings, which until then had not received much attention, being limited to works such as Romeo and Juliet or phenomena such as the medieval minstrels. Otherwise, expressing one’s personal feelings was frowned upon. This new continent was predominantly explored by the age of Romanticism and its artists and writers, as a reaction to the purely intellectual age of the Enlightenment. The first autobiography from the pen of one Jean-Jacques Rousseau saw the light of day. To put one’s own person in the center and to express one’s personal feelings in such an authentic way was simply unheard of and a sensation at that time. It was another step towards individuation, C.G. Jung might have said. The birth of his teacher and first explorer of these “underworlds”, Sigmund Freud, also falls into the era of Romanticism. With the theory and practice of psychoanalysis, he had created a new and expanded view of this newly discovered inner continent of man. This new continent is still quite unexplored today, both in terms of the individual and the collective subconscious, which is the absolute largest part of the human psyche, like an iceberg, whereby far the largest part lies invisible under the surface of the water. From a historical point of view, humanity has perhaps only just reached the shores of this new continent, while there are still no reliable maps for the vast mainland, or to say it with a cracker-barrel philosopher´s words:
“The last age was primarily about reason. The next one will be about feelings. For sure“
Healing the primal trauma
This experimental project is about finding a way to heal the primal trauma of having lost deep trust in oneself and in the community. This includes the loss of awareness of one’s own creative potential, both on an individual and collective level. Painful feelings that have been repressed since early childhood can now be rediscovered and considered and, if necessary, relived in a therapeutically protected setting, but this time without the threat from which the traumatic reactions once sought to protect the attacked child’s soul. The magic word for healing wounded hearts is repetition. Constantly recurring ritual actions within the community are a deep basic need rooted in human genetics. That’s why occasional therapy sessions usually don’t amount to much more than a bit of soothing comfort (better than nothing, of course!), and why children are so insistent on the regularity of repetition (if they don’t give up at some point), because children are more in touch with this basic need than adults. This also explains the so often and so insistently demanded maintenance of the customary Christmas traditions, one of the few remaining ritual acts in modern times. The daily repeated experience of self-sufficient self-sufficiency will, for example, also alleviate the traumatic feeling of permanent lack and the fear of poverty – one of the driving forces of the eternal hamster wheel – rather quickly, to let it disappear completely at some point – at least according to the hypothesis.
Regarding the above-mentioned primal trauma, the constantly recurring experience of no longer being left alone with one’s own problems and of being part of a mutually supportive community will alleviate the most traumatic of all feelings, and at some point, perhaps even heal it. It is the primal trauma of being abandoned, of no longer belonging or even of being left out of the community, where the closest family is the smallest, but of course also the most significant unit. These are the people with whom one shares life daily and who are closest to one, at least physically. Even in the worst of family relationships, or even in the most grossly abusive of children, intense emotional bonds between members are simply unavoidable. The American psychotherapist and author of the best-selling book The Road Less Travelled, Scott Peck, sees in this inevitability the reason for recurring psychological patterns in life, i.e., falling in love again and again with the “wrong people” despite all good intentions, or even if one had hated being beaten as a child, then in adulthood getting involved again and again with violent people. Also, in the choice of a spouse, it is often obvious if you look at a parent’s home and then their respective choice of partner. That usually father, mother or sibling played a big role in the choice. This has less to do with genetic factors than with the EVERYDAY LIFE that one has shared with each other over a long time, in addition to a time when hearts are still wide open. Incidentally, this applies not only to people and other living beings, but also to landscapes, places or cherished objects, if these have accompanied one long enough in life or are associated, for example, with loved ones or fond memories. Even more clearly and really of great consequence this inevitability of attachment has in the case of cherished world views and convictions of every kind, which have perhaps given one support for a lifetime and have explained the world to one. The explanation for it is always the same, still more a conceivably simple and already almost banal sounding, which does not change however anything from the fact that it is a law of nature:
“What you know, you love (Scott Peck, am. psychotherapist and author).
And who wants to lose what one loves or what gives one support? If the dimension of this law of nature is really grasped, much more understanding will be found for some previously incomprehensible behavior of people.
Loving one’s neighbor regardless of blood relationship and living in non-familial communities was part of the revolutionary core teaching of early Christianity. Its guru exemplified it. But very soon this new doctrine was mixed again with the traditional belief in gods of the Old Testament, with which the purely interpersonal problem was, so to speak, delegated again to a fictitious omnipotent ruler in heaven, this best image of the egocentric megalomaniac defiant age of human history. Much to the chagrin of mankind, it must be said. Because no matter whether closest family or closer environment, the primal trauma of being let down, of not being accepted, of not being loved, as one is, has been caused by the non-attention of the community towards the respective child, which has lost its innate primal trust.
“From the community it was taken, from the community it is given”. Perhaps it is precisely this special message, which repeatedly resounds from the equations of this Jesus figure, that explains the unusually great success of the religion. For this has spread in many places even without fire and sword. Nor was it always only the sharpest of all weapons, the spread of feelings of guilt and shame, with which by far the worst crime of all time against humanity was committed. Perhaps it was precisely the stories about this warm-hearted, emphatic, and charismatic man (and indeed not entirely unattractive man, isn’t it, ladies;-), who did not judge others and who, with the help of easily understandable parables, was able to point out a completely new and yet inherent and thus well-known truth to all people. This philanthropic figure probably reminds us of our own inner child and the deep trust with which all children were once born. Speaking this inner truth against all common narratives was and is the recipe for this unheard-of success. The fact that the protagonist of this story then fell prey to narcissism is another matter, which will be revealed elsewhere here.
The significant reduction of the permanent stress level, the most obvious characteristic of modern civilization, is to support the process of healing through a daily life in a kind of “golden age”. However, in contrast to earlier times, this new “golden age” will not be about creating the “good life” mainly for a small, privileged minority, which then only gives a few thin slices and small chunks of the delicious cake to the rest of the population. Here, the delicious cake is supposed to be for everyone, as utopian as that may sound at first. In the framework set here, however, it is anything but utopian, is at least the hypothesis.
This concept basically holds no fundamentally new ideas. All the ideas have been thought of at some point, and many of them have been written down in books. The only really new thing is really is the composition of some of these ideas into a novel mosaic, for the creation of which the cherries, so to speak, were picked from the cake of thousands of years of human experience. The particular focus has always been on the “good life” of the general population, i.e.,, historically it has always been sought where a general well-being of the population could be recorded. Since history books usually tell the story of the ruling and thus privileged upper class, where one dynasty follows another, usually with much war and chaos in the wake. There, historians at best mention outstanding generals, but almost never the everyday living conditions of the common soldier or the common people seem to be worth even a mention. One must then either try to read between the lines or find diaries and travelogues from the respective eras. There, with a little luck, you can come across reports about the normal everyday life of the people. But even that begins in the above-mentioned age of romanticism, where it then ends, however, often with the transfiguration and ‘idyllization’ of the simple country life. But not without reason it is called the age of romanticism ;-). But books like Two Cities by Charles Dickens describe the harsh reality of the common people all the better, and at the same time tell something about the sometimes so heroic mind of the people from these circles, who have nothing divine about them anymore. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Two Cities is the most widely read book of fiction to date.
Sources of inspiration
The Højskole-movement
“What is lost on the outside must be gained on the inside”.
This was once an official motto in the middle of the 19th century, when the so-called Guldalderwas ushered in, a kind of golden age for theland of Denmark, which today seems so insignificant, at least quite unnoticed. In those days, art and culture flourished to an unprecedented degree thanks to the new orientation of the royal house, which had by then dreamed away all dreams of great power in the face of devastating military defeats and the shrinking of the former great empire to the small heartland. Thus, also, and especially the common people from the countryside could now enjoy a new educational institution, just as it was intended by the founder of the Højskole-movement, N.F.S. Grundtvig. Ironically, the above motto came from a Danish engineer who, after the great land losses in the war against Prussia in 1864, actually wanted to use it to loosen state funds for the draining of bog areas for the purpose of land reclamation in the interior of the heartland. “Language is the source of all misunderstandings“. But it doesn’t always have to end badly because of that.
Recent studies, including the World Happiness Report, were considered when creating this draft for an experiment. In the western hemisphere, the Scandinavian countries are often ranked first in this report, especially Denmark, which is characterized by a particularly “happy” population. The most significant factors that have led to this have been included in this draft. The examination of these factors went far beyond the rather superficial considerations of the usual studies, which are usually concerned only with social and material security, but often overlook, for example, the importance of cultural identity, which in the case of Denmark plays a major role and increases the factor of the feeling of security significantly. This is mainly due to an educational institution, unique in the world, which was born out of the above-mentioned Højskole-movement, which has, btw., not much in common with High School as we know it normally. The political and economic stability of this country, whose relatively responsible governments have skillfully maneuvered the people past all European disasters for over 150 years, are undoubtedly a result of this educational institution called Højskolespread throughout the country. The spread of this school concept, which was financed by the state from the beginning, had given rise at the time to a new kind of national sense of belonging, where the aim was no longer to outdo the neighboring country militarily or economically (that was no longer possible now anyway) but to get to know themselves and the world better by teaching non-academic subjects such as philosophy, history, crafts, art, and music. This was especially beneficial to poor people in the countryside. Tuition, room, and board for each student were paid for by the state for the period two years. During this time at this boarding school, many young people became friends for life, while young people of other nations were usually only allowed to experience such intense closeness on battlefields and in trenches,resp. the young women in military hospitals.
This kind of school was founded about 180 years ago by this courageous pastor and his comrades-in-arms at a time when the once great empire of Denmark lay completely bankrupt on the ground. Otherwise, this then outrageously revolutionary concept would probably not have had a chance, just as the fairy tales of H. C. Andersen would never have managed to conquer the world without the support of royal circles at the time, when art and culture from the lower classes suddenly could be considered valuable, too. It was also the time of the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (who, however, did not think much of the aforementioned “fairy tale uncle of the nation”;-). The fact that the Højskole-concept fell victim to the disenchanted zeitgeist a good 20 years ago is a sad, not to say tragic story. This development is clearly related to the early establishment of the mobile network and the high degree of digitization in the country, which always seems to be a few years ahead of its more southern neighboring countries in this respect. These technologies fell on fertile ground among the predominantly science- and state-believing Danes – with devastating consequences for the people’s mentality.
Fristaden Christiania
Without a doubt, the social experiment ofFreetown Christiania, unique in the world, is also a result of the former free spirit and the national sense of community, which has been spread by the above-mentioned schools for more than 150 years. In 1971 a former barracks area was occupied by hippies and other “outsiders” of normal society. Provocatively, the site, which was cleared of military personnel at the time, was located only a few hundred meters as the crow flies from the political center of power, the Christiansborg, right in the center of Copenhagen and the seat of princes and kings for almost a thousand years, and today of the Danish Parliament. Because of the great sympathy among the population for the squatters, but especially because of the spirit of the times inspired by the Flower Power movement, which fell on particularly fertile ground in this country, Fristaden Christiania was soon given the status of a social experiment from the political side, with permission to be self-governing.
The place, which already seems exotic due to its partly very fancy architecture, has become the biggest tourist magnet of “Wonderful Copenhagen” in the meantime, with several million visitors per year, not only because of its sometimes officially tolerated hashish market. Rather, it is the overall atmosphere that makes it so fascinating, brought about by the different way of life of its nearly thousand inhabitants. Artists from all over the world as well as many “crooked existences” have found their place here. Children playing or riding horses, as well as young people on the various hangouts, characterize the cityscape just as much as stray dogs and crossing cargo bicycles, mixed with tourists from all over the world strolling curiously along the streets and paths. Some of Copenhagen’s most popular bars, cafes, restaurants, and venues are located here on this seemingly unmanageable site of just 0.34 square kilometers. One of the few internal rules there states that possession of hard drugs and use of violence will result in an immediate ban on access to the area for life, putting an end to major problems in the early stages of this experiment and making Freetown Christiania a safe place to be. Many Copenhageners are also drawn there daily, even if it’s just for the daily “dog airer” round. However, there is no question of self-sufficiency here. This place depends on the “drip” of the metropolis Copenhagen and cannot fulfill under the given circumstances what is called here ‘The Good Life’.
The ecovillage of Dyssekilde, which sprouted from a potato field about 60 kilometers north of Copenhagen almost 20 years after the start of the spectacular social experiment of Freetown Christiania, was born of the same Danish free spirit. Now, some lessons had already been learned from the pioneers’ worst mistakes. But it still made some high waves before the groundbreaking for fear of a place with drugs and freaks. A citizens’ initiative was even formed out of fear for the children and young people, and of course for the loss of value of their real estate. In the meantime, this place has become the flagship of the area and was even chosen in 2019 as the village of the year in Denmark, where especially always on child and youth-friendly facilities and the revitalization of village structures as important criteria are emphasized. The so-called Km-market and its self-imposed dogma about local goods only from a certain km radius became a great success from the start.
As a member of the International Organization of Booktowns with an antiquarian bookshop in the specially renovated station building, an architectural gem from the Art Nouveau period, as well as small book sales stalls scattered around the town and literary events, Torup attracts bibliophiles and literature enthusiasts. In nearby Hundested, a new quay wall was built in 2016 for cruise ships, of which more than 400 landings have usually been registered in Danish ports (before Corona, of course). Then suddenly there were thousands of Japanese or Chinese running for a few hours – often with open mouths – through this in their eyes certainly very weird village, before it went on by bus to the nearby summer castle of the Danish queen. Incidentally, the real estate prices of the eco-village are now at twice the level of the otherwise regionally usual. At the same time, this has the unfortunate effect that newcomers must enter the hamster wheel of modern everyday life to be able to afford the advantages of this place and its periphery. This was not in the spirit of the founder, but now the wheel can no longer be turned back. But there are also some other elementary ingredients missing for the main course that is repeatedly called ‘The Good Life’ here.
It is also no coincidence that experimental archaeology took it first steps once in this once free-spirited country. At a place steeped in history, where Viking kings once resided and the Danish kingdom, one of the most outstanding projects in this scientific field, the Lejre Archaeological Experimental Center has provided valuable inspiration for this project. From there came the decisive idea of the deliberately chosen leap in time, which unceremoniously solves almost all problems based on technology harmful to man and nature – now a mega-problem – in one fell swoop. Crucial were the descriptions of personal experiences of participants of all age and origin groups, who felt this relatively primitive way of life after a few days of acclimatization throughout as relieving, relaxing and enriching. Above all, the focus on the very basic things of everyday life such as eating or making firewood were mentioned, and surprisingly few to no so-called conveniences of modern life were missed (no mobile devices, and not even vacuum cleaners or hair dryers;-). A special role was played by the attention of the many tourist visitors and their great interest, which awakened almost pedagogical skills in many participants. The daily stream of visitors was not seen as a disturbing invasion of privacy, but as enriching and downright meaningful. Moreover, it contributed to the emergence of a kind of group identity (keyword: cultural identity), which was additionally strengthened by the “tribal clothing”. Apart from the design, this was most clearly distinguished by the fabric dyed with natural colors, which stood out from the “dead” colors in the clothing of the visitors from the normal world. The sky-wide difference between natural and synthetic colors became visible to everyone.
Also, the idea of the Elves’n Troll patrol originates from this experimental center, where certain dressed employees were constantly available for the experimental participants with words and deeds, so that the sudden time jump of 2,000 years back into the Iron Age would not be too hard and thus also useless for the experimental archaeological research. Because, of course, the people of the Iron Age were much more practiced in all the things of daily life at that time than a civilized person could ever be, especially not from one day to the next. Also, as a science, not to be afraid of the “folk” Old Norse mythology and to use it for the purpose of pedagogical mediation could also be called typically Danish. It gives visitors a vivid impression of this important period in human history, when the first small steps were taken towards industrialization with the processing of iron – accompanied by increasing prosperity and comfort for the ruling stratum of the population, and higher labor and cases of poverty and famine for the lower classes, and increasingly devastating wars for all. Nevertheless, it was still a very tranquil life compared to modern everyday life. For ‘The Good Life’, however, some crucial components were missing here as well, not only on the material level.
The Māori culture
“A long, poisonous trail of blood, scrap, and tears runs through the history of civilization, while a culture that has experienced an arguably unprecedented level of bliss in human history is labeled backward because of a Stone Age level of technology” (from The Myth of the South Seas, Hans Ritz).
Another culture that has been studied with special attention in this context and has also rubbed off somewhat on the project is the Māori culture in the part of Oceania called Polynesia. With their myth of the former “real existing paradise on earth”, this people have not only fired the imagination of sailors and adventurers, but also that of poets and thinkers such as Rousseau and Goethe. In addition to the generally carefree lifestyle, it was probably the notorious sexual permissiveness on these islands that attracted the most attention among the narrow-minded and constricted bourgeoisie of the time.“True love goes through the abdomen“, was a proverb of the natives there – although people enjoyed delicious food there a lot, too. Some of the most expensive paintings in the world depict this “paradisiacal” state. At that time, it was an attempt of the painter Paul Gauguin to capture on canvas the myth of the “real existing paradise”- at that time in its last stages – before it would disappear completely. It must be said that he succeeded in his mission, even if he himself did not live long enough to see any of his fame and died in poverty. That, what has survived thanks to museum activities, is still going around the world today in the form of public performances. The incredibly emotional and expressive Māori songs and dances, which are much more than just Hawaiian Hula-Hula or Tahitian Aloha He, are world-famous. The impressive war dances of the once so-feared Māori warriors leave at least as lasting an impression. But to defend their “real existing paradise on earth” against the white invaders, theirwarrior forces were not strong enough. And, referring to reports from those days, they were not eager enough tofight when they obviously would be defeated. Indeed, there wasalso quite somecuriosity about the Europeanway ofliving, and evenabout the book with this figure nailed to a cross and still praying for the sake of humankind. This story impressed obviously many.
The supremacy of female intelligence of this culture very quickly realized these circumstances and let it become a quite peaceful colonization. At the same time, it succeeded there to save large parts of the original culture and its traditions over into the new religion and the new age of the white supremacy. It is a sign of great intelligence to take advantage of circumstances that cannot be changed anyway. Homosexuality, for example, in many if not most cultures suppressed or at least marginalized, was traditionally considered a rich gift here before the arrival of the Europeans- A family was indeed congratulated on a so-called Mahu as the homosexuals were called. As a rule, this predisposition is already apparent in early childhood, and then one encouraged such tendencies instead of oppressing them. On remote and not too strictly Christian supervised islands this tradition has survived until today. But this Mahu tradition had no moral background among the Māori – not for nothing did this culture have the reputation of the “real existing” paradise on earth – but rather a quite pragmatic aspect. The Mahus usually did not found families of their own but liked to perform feminine tasks and therefore often remained a support for the housewife and mother of the house. Perhaps in the European culture of earlier times something to compare with the old maids or old bachelors, who had remained unmarried and then on the farms were a great support in the household or in the farm work. Even today, in some places a good household help is called a “pearl”, precisely because it is worth more than gold to have such help. The essential difference between the two cultures, however, is that in the former, those concerned enjoyed great prestige and a rich love life, while in the latter they were ridiculed or, at best, pitied because of this lack of social value it represented not to married and because they had “got no one” and therefore now had to eke out a life without any love life at all. Whoever dared to violate the prohibition of extramarital relations, or was even exposed as homosexual, was accused of fornication and was thus at the same time a forever branded member of society- while in the other culture one simply takes advantage of a whim of nature, which according to ethnological studies seems to be an average of 10% of the population in almost all cultures of the world. The latter culture, the European, is called – usually not without a touch of admiration – a high or advanced culture, while the former is called backward and primitive, or at least underdeveloped- One could almostwonder why it is not called disadvantaged or low culture by the experts in this field. Fortunately, many Europeans have discarded this arrogance and have been rather softened from within, so to speak, by this life-friendly culture. But most probably the White Man had also noticed that the Māori could not be made good slave people.
“If work were a good thing, the rich would not have left it to the poor” (Tahitian proverb). Hunger and poverty are still foreign words in Polynesia, but instead they are now struggling with the typical diseases of civilization and the migration of young creative and dynamic people to the metropolises of the world.
The Mosuo Culture
“If you have a work shoe on one foot and a dance shoe on the other, you will not do well with either one or the other”
This Mosuo proverb perhaps best illustrates the traditional attitude toward gender segregation where it makes sense. The fact that there are not even words in the Mosuo vocabulary for poverty, famine, war, orphanhood, or loneliness is associated by some ethnologists with the so-called matrilineal social structure and its unique solution to gender conflict through the tradition of visiting marriage. How long this tradition has existed is not known, but it has probably existed as long as the hearth fires have been burning in the centuries-old solid country and town houses. These fires must never go out, so they must be kept going 24/7 all year round. So, tradition demands, perhaps as a symbolic sign of prosperity, perhaps much like tradition in the ritual of initiation into adulthood. There, the pubescent candidates shed their children’s clothes and are seen naked for the last time by the community present before being clothed in their adult clothes, artfully tailored by neighbors and friends. As they do so, they symbolically stand on a long-term preserved pig that may well have been slaughtered 10 years ago. Whoever has found out how to preserve pork for 10 years by air-drying it without having to build a canned food or chemical factory, poverty and famine are of course rather foreign words to him. The first written mention of this people, who otherwise live away from all trade routes, without their own written language and therefore without their own historical documentation, is found in a report after a longer stay of troops of the army leader Genghis Kahn about 900 years ago, where probably especially the almost every evening traditional dance events were very popular with the Hun soldiers. Slightly Mongolian facial features are still clearly recognizable today among the Mosuos, who otherwise have little genetic mix due to their remoteness;-).
This tradition of the visiting marriage had attracted the attention of some ethnologists a few decades ago. In this tradition, erotic and romantic relationships cannot collide with the all-important stability and security of family life. What is otherwise a constant and quite decisive disruptive factor in almost all other cultures, has here simply been solved by a strict separation of these two spheres of life, i.e., one never shares the same household as lovers. Even more than the traditional Māori culture with its fun-loving and sexually quite permissive nature, the Mosuo culture is characterized by having integrated eroticism and sexuality into everyday life in such a wonderful way that one can already speak of a declaration of love both to the security of the family and to romantic and erotic passion. Likewise, the nature of the human being has been considered in the traditional distribution of tasks in everyday life. Women usually do the daily monotony, e.g., repetitive routine work, while men tend to be drawn to the more irregular, physically heavier, and sometimes somewhat more dangerous tasks. Trade caravans, e.g., to distant countries as far as Nepal, are part of this, to return from there with useful goods and tools that make everyday life easier. Negotiations for the purchase of livestock or political disputes with neighboring communities are also left to the men, who seem better suited for the job – but always in the certainty that they will act in the interests of the communities, which are otherwise governed by mostly elder women.
The monkey species of bonobos
Finally, the research about the ape kind of the Bonobos which are together with the Chimpanzees according to statement of the science our all-nearest DNA relatives, should be mentioned. Afterwards the question arises whether mankind, at least however the civilized part of it, has not walked already too long in the footprint of the Chimpanzee and itsalphaanimal principle. Have we followed the wrong track? Should we perhaps rather have taken our cue from the more relaxed and rather matriarchal-looking dominion structures of the Bonobos? As with the Mosuos, the Bonobos are not controlled by outstanding alpha animals, but by a rather in the background acting “government” of older females. There are neither aggressive and ego-addicted leaders nor testosterone or estrogen surplus, and thus also no permanent hierarchy fight to get to the food bowl of sexuality. According to DNA matching, mankind is related to both ape species to the same extent. But is it perhaps not a purely anatomical coincidence that the Bonobos have a 15° more upright gait than the Chimpanzees? An even greater anatomical difference from the Chimpanzees is that the Bonobo female’s vagina is in the same place as that of a human´s female – which in practice means that sexual intercourse can proceed view to view, quite the opposite of the Chimpanzees who, like most other species, must settle for so called doggy style. Sexual intercourse is also apparently practiced more diligently among Bonobos than among Chimpanzees, as eager researchers have accurately recorded. Bonobos apparently have intercourse an average of 13 times a day, even if it often lasts no longer than just 30 seconds and can simply serve as a kind of greeting ritual. A hello-quickie, so to speak. With the Chimpanzees this kind of pleasure is granted only to the alpha and his respective chosen ladies. All the others, especially all the other male members of the pack, are constantly looking down the tube (or the hollow trunk;-) – unless you do it secretly behind the back of the boss, which, however, can lead to a severe thrashing if discovered by the alpha, even for the cheating female. Therefore, one tries to fight one’s way up in the hierarchy to get this wonderful pleasure one day – while the ladies must dress up constantly to get into the favor of the alpha animal and thus into the possession of the desired sperm to be able to have young. In Bonobos hordes the usually male newcomers to a pack are welcomed as welcome new playmates because there is no need for competition, because the bonobo ladies like to be mated by several at once, especially at the time of ovulation – probably to be sure of getting the strongest (and most suitable) genes, as the scientists assume. The best spermatozoid on the way to the egg will prevail. The right of the strongest implemented in a way that does not come at the expense of others (if you disregard the spermatozoids that fall by the wayside and are excreted again). There is always plenty of sex for everyone. And if someone should come too short or simply be stressed for any reason, it can happen that someone from the pack throws himself backwards on the ground to calm down the person in question with what is nowadays (for whatever reason) called a blow job. A male Chimpanzee, on the other hand, always has to fight hard for his new place in the hierarchy of the pack, also, or especially, to prove his suitability and thus gain the admiration of the female chimpanzees. Last mentioned sounds somehow familiar? And maybe not only from biology lessons
Although there are various interpretations of such research findings, the consensus is that bonobos are the essentially more peaceful ape species.
Is there anything more urgent for humanity to explore than the factors for peacefulness?
Economically, too, the bonobos have less stress since they have discovered the earth fruits as a food source for themselves and can thus largely avoid the fight for the visible fruits on the trees with the other ape species or leave it only to the strongest and most combative of their male pack animals. Could this perhaps be interpreted as the first sign of an intelligence, which goes in the direction of agriculture, in order to free itself from the constant rivalry with conspecifics around the limited resources? Perhaps, to be able to dedicate itself more to other things, like i.e.,‘The Good Life’?
Even if it seems far-fetched to some, the occupation with the research about this close kind relative has had also not insignificant influence on this society draft presented here. Even if this draft may seem like a completely new and exotic way of life, it contains very many parts which are stored in the depths of the collective unconscious as memory from at least 99.9 % of our existence as Homo Sapiens, if one reckons with this technological time jump with 250 years back to the end of the 18th century. If you take electricity and the modern way of life as a basis, it becomes even more. Even the first transition from nomadic to arable societies and thus slowly beginning civilization, which archaeologists date one before approximately 10,000 years, are with approx. 97% percent of the existence as Homo Sapiens still not more than what 3 years in the life of a hundred-year-old correspond. Decisive years may be that, or 3 decisive months with the 99.9%, quite certainly. To consider time as purely linear instead of qualitative is not realistic. Nevertheless, one should not overlook this factor of linear time, and never forget: “What you know, you love“. The stored memories, when experienced again, will often be associated as a kind of recognition and, in most cases, with a kind of reunion joy – at least that is the hypothesis. Who knows, maybe this will go back to our genetic ancestors, and maybe not only to the chimpanzees, but also to the bonobos?
Afterword to the chapter Sources of Inspiration:
Whether special characteristics of the Danes, Maoris, Mosuos or Bonobos or the other sources of inspiration mentioned here, they all have in common to show solutions for the old basic problem, namely the imbalance between the poles of the male and female forces.
“It’s all about balance. No more, but no less”. The smartest of these solutions were, in one way or another, integrated into the design, as can be seen below. Often ideas are easier to communicate if you can link them to the sources of inspiration and thus make them more visual. This creates more reference. The most wonderful and constant of all sources of inspiration, however, is the daily observation of people in one’s own environment, no matter where and in what context. It is simply a matter of registering what delights people and what opens hearts, and what does not. This is the daily field work of a “happiness researcher”. Not much more, but also not much less.
Inner Frame
Following the principles of permaculture and reducing administration and regulation to an absolute minimum are some of the main components at the practical level of this concept, albeit in indispensable combination with external support during the start-up phase. During this period, the village will also be supplied with material goods that cannot be produced directly on site, such as clothing, for which the appropriate plantations must first be established. Also, the support by the external specialists from all ranges of the daily life, as they are specified in the chapter “external basic conditions” and the Troll ‘n Elves – patrol concept presented there are indispensable in the start-up phase.
During this time, it is the task of the leading team to observe and document progress and, towards the end of the start-up phase, to assess whether the project has reached the status of full independence in all areas or whether the funding period may need to be extended again. The team’s tasks also include selecting participants and assigning the respective housing units with associated farm and garden land. The greatest possible diversity should be considered in the selection of participants, both in terms of social and cultural background as well as personal characteristics. For this purpose, scientific models as well as, for example, those of psychological typology or those of astrology can be used. But in the end, one’s own intuition is usually always the best guide. About all decisions of this kind must always be unanimous in the leading team.
Each adult person, whether with or without children, is assigned an equal amount of property upon entering the project (see chapter Four-Rules-Only Dogma, 1. Property Rule), which consists of a living hut and a piece of farmland, small livestock and poultry, as well as the necessary equipment and tools. Likewise, uniform clothing and footwear are distributed to all participants until the cultivation of the appropriate crops and self-sustaining production with textiles is fully underway. It is part of the experiment to observe what kind of clothing styles and fashions will develop in the time that follows, and to what extent this place will perhaps develop its very own style and particular design, or whether and to what extent it will still be influenced by the outside world and its trends. The level of general artistry will also be interesting to observe. Will everyday objects be made with greater artistry in this place that offers, among other things, considerably more leisure time than the normal world? Will clothing and dwelling now be considered not only more as a necessary second and third skin of man, now also free of any toxins, but as a way of expressing one’s personality, as if they were jewelry?
Another and more essential part of the experiment is to find out whether the share of initial single households will change in favor of larger household communities if both options, including switching between them, are open at any time and economic reasons such as housing shortages or saving on living costs no longer play a role. The same applies to activities to earn one’s own living. Will people also join forces when this is no longer necessary for economic reasons, when everyone can be their own man or woman? Will voluntary work communities form, and will division of labor and thus trade between the various trades emerge again? How much time will the participants then put into their respective trades? Will it change here from the pure necessity for survival additionally into a possibility of the personal expression? Will it be possible to live from arts and crafts or even from being a pure artist, or will it only be breadless art, from which one can starve in real life? Will perhaps everyone be self-sufficient and content with their own self-sufficiency when there is no economic need for trade? Or will people only give each other presents in the future, as some utopians dream? Will new forms of family emerge, and perhaps even, inspired by the Mosuo culture or the like, the visiting marriage take hold, as expected according to the hypothesis? What corresponds most to the actual nature of humans? Or perhaps more precisely asked: What comes closest to the greatest longing of man in the present historical period? According to this, in which direction should it go, and what should be the next steps? This is the hypothetical question of this project.
In this experimental place, in contrast to the outside world, it will actually be possible to explore all this in full. The observation of this process is part of the investigation of the fundamental conflict between individual freedom and collective security, as described under menu item “WHY …. such a project? “.
It is part of the experimental nature of the project to be based on only four main rules that apply to all participants in the experiment and are non-negotiable. These rules are based on the ring of needs with the basic human needs recognized as equally important, all of which must be satisfied in order not only to survive but to reach full flowering. These needs are called primal drives (eating, drinking, and physicality as expressions of vitality), community (family and “tribe” as expressions of security), personality (creative activity as an expression of individuality), recognition of the other (seeing the reality of the other as a link of all previous desires).
Under construction! Here will the prospective illustration of the Ring of Needs:
Primal Urges, Community, Personality, Recognition of the Other
Text beneath the photo: The Ring of Needs– one link missing, no blissing
The irrefutable rules of the place are called the Four-Rules-Only Dogma and have to the intention to be able to close thereby the above-mentioned ring of the needs. But also, the clarity by the very small number of rules, which one can count quasi on one hand in contrast to the unmanageable jumble of rules and laws in the normal outside world, will represent a relief. Even for the intended indigenous portion of the participants, who are usually used to a considerably lower level of regimentation, this simple regulation will be a great relief, freeing them from the few but usually very constricting dogmas of a tribal community. As clear and well-defined as the rules are, they are also consistent. In case of a violation of the rules, it leads to immediate and permanent exclusion from participation in the project.
Four-Rules-Only Dogma
- Vicinity Rule
“Why roam wide and far when all the good is so close by?”
Everything that is produced and used must come exclusively from the surrounding area with a radius of 4 miles (6.4 km), which corresponds to a circumference of the outer borders of about 25 miles (40 km), and thus to an area that an adult can walk around in about 8 hours at an average walking pace, which in turn means that the entire area can still be grasped with one’s own senses without having to make use of any technical aids.
- Property Rule
“Each his kingdom, each her queendom“
Each adult participant receives property for life in the form of sufficient agricultural land for self-sufficiency, their own living hut with outbuildings for supplies, tools, workshop and stables for small livestock such as goats and sheep, and poultry such as chickens, ducks and geese. Beehives, fish, shellfish, and insect farming as future food sources are also included. The products of one’s own creation, possibly also from the handicraft area, can be sold to other participants. The assigned immovable property, i.e., ownership of living space and land, on the other hand, is inalienable. A possible transfer upon leaving the project is regulated in the Loyalty Rule (see below). Due to the Vicinity Rule (see above), it is self-evident that the sale of products for money or other objects that were not produced in the above-mentioned area is excluded.
To allow several people to live together as larger households with up to 20 people under one roof, suitable buildings will be erected which can function as guest houses if they are not needed (see below chapterOuter Frame)
- Loyalty Rule
“Get at arrival, give at departure“
In the event of a participant leaving the project, all private property goes back to the community and is then awarded to successors who must be proposed by the senior team and unanimously accepted by all residents of the site after a 4-week trial period. Until there is unanimity on succession, no new residents are allowed to move in. For those leaving (except in the case of death, of course), there is a special reintegration program for the return to normal society even after the end of the start-up period, both for participants coming from modern civilization and for those coming from indigenous tribal societies, so as not to create the feeling of an involuntary stay.
- Safety Rule
“Once bitten, twiceshy“
Physical violence against other participants or visitors to the site will result in immediate and permanent exclusion for lifetime.
Outer Frame
- 150 detached residential huts (S-huts) with 20 square meters of living space each, 10 semi-detached houses (F-houses) divided into two units with 50 square meters of living space each, a community building (C-dome) with 150 square meters of floor space for gatherings of all kinds and for school lessons, a community building (B-temple) with 40 square meters of floor space for personal hygiene, laundry days and wellness. Later, bigger atrium buildings (4-W-courts) with a floor area of about400 square meterswill be added as needed. The living quarters not used by the initial 200 residents will be available to students at the International Low School as well as tourist guests and visitors of the permanent residents (see below)
- 5,000 sqm of building land for the above-mentioned buildings, surrounded by allotment gardens and park-like facilities with ponds for poultry and fish breeding, connected by a canal system, which also serves as a transport route to the inner area of the village with its market square
2 ha/20,000 sqm agricultural land (= 200 sqm/person for sufficient self-sufficiency for vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian lifestyle), plus equal area as common ground for tree groves and animal pastures. Later expansion of the areas with a corresponding increase in the number of inhabitants (see below) available as a possible option (secure corresponding rights of first refusal over neighboring land areas).
- Introduction to the principles of nature following and at the same time effective management, e.g., by permaculture experts, to come to the usual workload of indigenous people with usually 3-4 hours / day for the completion of all necessary tasks for livelihood For comparison: The parent of a modern nuclear family must nowadays spend about 12-14 hours for job, transportation (possibly plus transportation for kid´s activities), shopping, household, maintenance, administration, parents’ evenings, etc.). Btw., indigenous people´s lifestyle is still called poor,backward, or at least underdeveloped
- Possibility of expansion for up to 3,000 permanent residents in due course when urban village has matured to become village town
- Core area of the site in urban architectural style, inspired by the architecture of canal-crossed cities such as Amsterdam/NL, Uribe Island/MEX or Wuzhen/CHN and some more
- traditional means of transportation such as barges, boats, carts, wagons and flying kites, moved by water and wind, draft animals, or the people themselves, as well as low tech means of production such as wind and water mills to irrigate fields and gardens or to power newly developed looms for textile production
- Marketplace and promenade “Minglemile” with stalls selling food, clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc., with products exclusively from the surrounding area according to Vicinity Rule (see above), with cafés, bars, small stages, mobile eateries and danceries
- Local Low School with the morning offering of basic knowledge in writing and arithmetic and promotion of creativity through painting, playing, singing, and dancing. Afternoon participation in adult activities is an integral part of the school day. Participation is voluntary for each student, and it is up to the local teachers and the teachers from the International Low School (see below) to make the lessons so interesting that no child could ever stand to be absent from school for a single day
- Kindergardens, where children have their own beds and learn to grow their own vegetables and become familiar with small livestock
- International Low School, where teaching mostly consists of participation in the daily activities of the residents. At the same time, the students at the International Low School are to act as teachers for the Local Low School and impart knowledge from the academic and artistic outside world to the children and young people of the village. Travel costs to and from the school must be paid by the students themselves. The stay is free of charge, as one participates in the daily work of self-sufficiency
- Guest houses and accommodation with families for students at the International Low School as well as for tourists and visitors of the permanent residents, for whom the principle of hand for bunk also applies, i.e., board and lodging with participation in the daily life of the permanent residents.
- Initiatives such as Eat’n Meet, Sing’n Meet, Dance’n Meet, Act’n Meet, Fight’n Meet, Sail’n Meet, Ride’n Meet, Hike’n Meet, among others, for the purpose of establishing shared touch points with physical action, including with the population from the immediate area.
- Barmy4army as a volunteer fighting force for the purpose of self-defense, trained in the manufacture and use of weapons such as bows and arrows, slingshots, clubs, spears, swords, and axes, as well as the use of hand-to-hand combat techniques.
- Travel4levelas an exchange program, where permanent participants of the project exchange their place in the place for a certain time with people from the normal outside world, to get to know the world of the respective other and to sound out for themselves as a possibility of another way of life. In the case of the exchange with someone from the modern civilization the travel expenses for both sides must be borne exclusively by the respective foreign participant from the modern world, since in this place due to the Vicinity rule at the most a very local currency can develop, but with greatest probability a barter economy will be established. In the case of exchanges with indigenous people, travel costs must be borne by the project.
Building in conventional construction with modern equipment, placed on the outskirts of the village
- Internet café as the only place to connect to the cyberspace of the outside world. At the same time, it is a kind of measuring station for the well-being of its inhabitants. The fewer people take refuge in cyberspace, the more exciting and interesting the real world outside must be
- Base house for the executive team with rooms for administration and meetings
- Base house for the Troll’n-Elves-program’s Support Patrol for outside educators and consultants in permaculture, low-tech engineering, nutrition, natural medicine, trauma therapy, psychology, sexology, anthropology, archaeology, artistic, musical, and athletic disciplines, and community-building and personal self-development professionals
- Base house for scientific researchers from fields of above-mentioned knowledge documenting the state of residents in all areas of life, such as physical and mental health status, enjoyment, or displeasure of daily activities for subsistence as well as any creative or recreational activities, development of relationships with other participants, learning abilities of children, and any other factors of human well-being as listed in the hypothesis chapter (see below).
- Base house for journalists and media people to implement a specially developed concept for social media and reality TV.
The hypothesis of this research experiment is that the listed everyday conditions will most likely have the following effects:
- complete self-sufficiency in all daily necessities after completion of the start-up phase, without having to spend more than 3-4 hours a day on it, will bring feelings of prosperity, independence, and pride
- everyday physical activity for the purpose of earning one’s own living in agriculture, handicrafts, hospitality, and art forms will increase confidence in one’s own abilities and the feeling of self-reliance
- the daily use of one’s own body (“…. work by the sweat of thy brow .…”) and use of one’s own talents in direct physical contact with the elements will create a strong body feeling and great self-confidence
- earning money as a physical necessity for survival (after the end of the start-up phase, there is no longer any entitlement to support from the state or social insurance) is in itself meaningful and provides the “thrill” (can I do it or not?) that has been lost in modern society, where even for a self-employed tradesman the social safety net remains taut (even if it is a little more full of holes, which is part of the “thrill”).
- the feeling of belonging, which will be established relatively quickly, will replace the previous feeling of dependence on public systems or on one’s own commercial efficiency, and will instead reawaken a feeling known from time immemorial, which consists in a boundless trust in the community, which will be there for each member even in times of need
- through the Property Rule (see above), the “subject syndrome” of the current age will quickly become a thing of the past and be replaced by the feeling of being one’s own master or wife
- the daily activity for the purpose of livelihood will no longer be considered as necessary work (= fear of poverty) and performed because of possible threatening lack but will rather become an expression of one’s own personality. Thus, feelings of “Marxian alienation” will very soon be a thing of the past and will be replaced by pure desire to create.
- the absolutely free division of working time according to personal biorhythm not only additionally increase the feeling of freedom, but also be of great benefit for health
- the experience of the visible and literally tangible results of one’s daily actions will bring feelings of pride and an increased desire to create
- Discovery of one’s own creativity and the desire to express one’s own individuality will trigger the feeling of such joyful anticipation that before falling asleep at night, one can hardly wait for the next morning to finally dawn
- the experience of a more sensual and less thought-dominated everyday life will create a feeling of lightness and liveliness that one usually only experienced in childhood, if at all
- the lively exchange and trade between the different trades and talents will generate feelings of recognition and healthy pride in one’s own creation
- working together of one’s own free will and without the pressure of constraints will create a feeling of fun and joy, as if one has found good playmates
- physical, mental, and spiritual healing through close contact with nature will increase the feeling of being a part of nature and the whole universe in general
- physical detoxification with homeopathic and herbal medicine will bring a feeling that a heavy burden has been lifted from the shoulders
- Diseases of civilization such as caries, cancer, digestive, heart and circulatory problems, diabetes, overweight and underweight, gout, allergies and countless others will lead to significant improvements after only a few months, and after a few years – at least in the younger generation – will have completely disappeared. Even faster relief or healing is expected for mental illnesses such as depression, psychoses, stress, ADHD, eating disorders, phobias, and many others.
- the experience of support in all aspects of life during the foundation phase by external advisors and helpers (Troll ‘n Elves – patrols) feelings of deep gratitude and contribute to regaining trust in the community
- the caring and healing power of a community whose members live and work together in close proximity will almost automatically create a sense of belonging and the long-lost feeling of trust in a community (“You love what you know“)
- Application of methods of various forms of therapy, e.g., trauma therapy, will be very helpful in supporting serious mental stress – if it will be necessary at all. Feelings of trust and forgiveness will be reawakened, with which even the deepest emotional wounds can be healed
- The experience of how much easier it is to live new insights and resulting resolutions in a supportive environment will create feelings of self-confidence and personal maturity.
- The experience that fears of poverty and loneliness can be a thing of the past after a short stay in the place will reawaken feelings of lost “trust in God” and confidence in the future
- Empathy as a school subject does not need to be taught here (which also tends to have the opposite effect), because this innate quality of man will develop here all by itself through the way of life of “Out of the head, into the body”.
- as the sense of community grows, so will the formation of larger, family-bonding household communities, which will reinforce feelings of belonging to a voluntarily and deliberately chosen community
- the emergence of family models other than the modern nuclear family (or the patchwork family as a kind of extended version of it), possibly inspired by cultures such as the Mosuo people in the Himalayas with their tradition of visiting marriage, will greatly accommodate the need for family security while providing a greater degree of erotic and sexual freedom, which will have a very positive effect on the general mood of the place and its vibrational level
- possibly still existing stress level is additionally lowered by the many initiatives with emphasized physical-sensual activities with intensive use of the own body including the local fight group Barmy4army, to direct especially the masculine energy into healthier ways than before. Violent tensions or subliminal aggressiveness will be a thing of the past
- “The missing link” between the most vital and life-producing organ, that of the heart and that of the genitals, will be increasingly exposed, i.e., sexuality will be more associated with feelings of affection and sympathy rather than with sexual fantasies, as is very often the case, at least with the male portion. The hot link of love uncovered. Out of your head, into your body!“
- compared to the normal outside world, an above-average number of very healthy children will be born here – which probably speaks for itself
- the daily togetherness of young and old will eliminate the separation and thus the alienation between the generations
- the increased willingness, if not passion and competition will arise to be allowed to take care of old and sick people. For these will probably soon be “in short supply”, because people here will be quite healthy and lively until the end of their lives
- the increase of so-called déjà vu, also among day visitors, where people suddenly feel reminded of incidents as if from previous lives, since many elements of the architectural style, the architecture in general and the way of life (e.g., working together in the fields, the sound of drums and bells, or the open-hearth fire in the houses) are altogether stored as memories in the collective unconsciousness
- Phenomena like synchronicity and telepathy are increasingly experienced as a natural part of everyday life and no longer just as strange coincidences or even as threatening border crossings for the waking consciousness, but simply as an enrichment of the “daily magic” of this existence
- habitual addictions to addictive substances, including compulsive behaviors such as eating disorders or workaholism, but especially the flight into cyberspace among the younger generation will quickly decrease in step with the vibrancy and attractiveness of the place, with simultaneous support from the Elves’n Troll-patrollers
- habitual religious and spiritual activities are practiced less, and less and new ones do not even arise, since everyday life offers enough meditative and loving activities and there is therefore no longer any reason to escape to “higher” spheres
- the liveliness and exuberance of an urban lifestyle, generated mainly by the many visitors from the outside world, will give the feeling of being in the “center of the world
- the public attention by visitors and media (of course in the right dose!) as additional “fertilizer for the ego” will bring the experience of real sensual attention (i.e.,especially non-digital!) of other people as salutary
- an unprecedented increase in general creativity with “new old” inventions and fashions, “new old” music and art that will attract trend scouts from all over the world and increase the sense of recognition and pride in one’s community, keyword: cultural identity
- a place full of “good vibrations” that will spread not only to the real visitors but also to the digital ones, which will spread the “Magic in the Air-virus” worldwide
- The creation of a habitat model that can be easily replicated in all parts of the world on a practical level, which will give a participant the feeling of being able to help others without having to do more than simply live their daily lives
- spreading hope and confidence in the future in a dark time characterized by misanthropic and dystopian visions
That all sounds well and good, but ….
HOW… to realize such a project?
Group energy and the phenomenon of creative attentionGroup energy and the phenomenon of creative attention
For a group of 15-20 people, a kind of creative workshop is to be set up with the provisional working name The D-Lab. This group should first theoretically and then also practically deal with the concept of community building according to Scott Peck and have the goal of becoming an authentic community according to the definition given there.
Authentic community may sound a bit dry, but that’s what it’s called there. Other methods of developing a sense of belonging and group spirit can and should be used for this purpose, such as the pragmatic methods of emotional hygiene presented in books like Power of FeelingsorThe Emotional Backpack (both of Vivian Dittmar), which should be given at least as much time as physical hygiene. However, special attention should be paid to non-verbal methods, not only for practical reasons because of the likely international composition of the team. There are much more efficient ways of communicating than words. The exact concept in detail for this should be drawn up jointly by the contributors.
There should be an awareness in every interested person that overcoming or looking at trauma is a necessary process to make both personal and group development successful. This process will require a great deal of attention from the group, especially in the initial stages. In parallel, the team should continue to work on the creative part of the project. This activity could initially consist of a literary line of fictional and factual descriptions of the actual vision. This apparent detour through literature, or better, storytelling, is considered an indispensable and necessary step to move from the level of the inner fantasy world to the level of physical realization in the outer world. Drawing up a plan of financing and action for both the literary and the physical project will be one of the first tasks. But such plans should never be considered as anything but organizational tools and should not become goals in themselves. Then one is “back at the same old track.” The intense collective attention of a small, well-cooperating group focused on a single subject can enormously increase creative power, just as this power can be enormously weakened if there is lack of concentration or disharmony. This should already be sufficiently known to many from all kinds of other contexts.
This idea for the D-Lab was indeed most inspired by The Manhattan Project, in which a group of international scientists gathered in a remote and top-secret location in 1942 to develop the atomic bomb that even their spiritual father, Albert Einstein, wasn’t sure could ever work. It was only an idea that it might be possible. The result is well known. Barely three years later it reached its sad fame. An effect of unprecedented extent was unleashed by the splitting up to the smallest part of what by nature belongs inseparably together.
What would happen if you put together again all the things that have been separated and split off from each other over thousands of years, right down to the atom? What would probably happen if one put together again the parts more and more separated from each other, like man and nature, individual and community, work and spare time, everyday life and family, life and death, old and young, hard and soft, strong and weak, healthy and ill, etc. etc.? In contrast to the Manhattan Project, which aimed to spread death and destruction on an unprecedented scale, this project aims at exactly the opposite, namely liveliness and well-being of man and nature on an unprecedented scale. Initially, this spread will be limited to the “blast radius” of the project, i.e., its immediate surroundings. However, with the shortly following “radiation” of the whole world via modern media, this project could spread instead of fear and horror joy of life and confidence in a future worth living and loving, the greatest scarcity in this time.
Rules of Thumb
- Use of the five senses and especially the so-called sixth sense, intuition, instead of only purely analytical intelligence
- Harnessing the heightened energy of an authentic and focused group instead of just the genius of individuals
- Using the phenomenon of creative attention for the benefit of the whole instead of only for one’s own personal success
- Use of pictorial representations in fictional form instead of purely factual descriptions.
Basic requirements for ‘laboratorians’
1.Consensus regarding historical positioning1.Consensus regarding historical positioning
In the assessment of the social and global situation, the historical location, as described in the first menu item “WHY …. such a project” in the most detail, there should be consensus as far as possible, so as not to lose any more time with analyses. One should speak the same language in this respect already to some extent if the whole is to lead to something reasonable. Apart from that and the useless consumption of time, getting stuck in the analysis also leads to feeding that “monster” called zeitgeist of fear. Because critical analysis, as already mentioned, can easily lead to hopelessness if realistic solutions to the problems highlighted are not presented in the same breath.
2. Consensus regarding personal priority list
For what do you want to use your life energy? For family, career, hobby, artistic or spiritual self-development? And in what order are these things on the list of priorities? And what is generally more important to you: personal freedom or a secure community? Do you want to be a “world saver” or just save your own skin and perhaps that of your loved ones? Or would one prefer to meditate only for the sake of enlightenment or karma? Or does one perhaps see no need for action of any kind?
All D-Lab participants should be ready to embark on “The Hero’s Journey” and put “World Savior” at the top of their personal priority list. Otherwise, there’s really no point in reading any further. The current profession will have to be given up, and most likely the current residence as well, unless the D-Lab needs exactly the expertise of the person concerned and happens to be located inone´s immediate vicinity. If there are no generous sponsors for the project, there will be no salary in the conventional sense, but at most room and board.
Only close physical contact with family and friends can be maintained, unless they are also willing to move to the place where the D-Lab will be located. However, if such a move were to happen, it would not be impossible, or even very likely, that the following time would be the most intense and perhaps even the most beautiful time of their life together. Because especially in the beginning, the most important thing will be the establishment of real, authentic relationship. However, there should never be any doubt about one thing, and that is the order on the priority list. What should be at the top of that list as #1 to work on this project should be very clear. For the coming “laboratory workers” the realization of the project described here or at least its objective should stand as clear No. 1 on the priority list, all the same whether one wants to head this life mission now ironically with “world saviors” or otherwise. After a certain trial period, there should no longer be the slightest doubt about one’s own life mission. The removal of any doubts about this alone will create a strong bond and a commitment between the “lab workers”. By the way, what is actually more caring? Holding hands with one’s loved ones while the ship is on a disastrous collision course, or trying to somehow get the ship on course after all, or at least organizing a life raft or climbing up the mast to look for a saving island?
3. The Hero’s Journey
That this kind of “Hero’s Journey” has nothing to do with martyrdom or the hitherto known heroism with all its glitz and glory, but with the joy of creative work in a group and the desire to experience oneself in a new kind of community. Hopefully, that is what can be gleaned from this text. Otherwise, Joseph Campbell’s books might explain it a little better, even if they are unnecessarily thick. In any case, there is no room on the core team of this project for the kind of “world saviors” who are just chat-heroes and otherwise petit-bourgeoispeople who are still worried about their job prospects and pensions. No space for them here, like there’s also no space here for the undecided about their own personal priority list.
What is behind No.1 on the priority list depends, of course, on the personal preferences of each individual. It should be clear from the context that things like family life, and personal relationships in general, can go quite well hand in hand with this project work. For the multi-billion-dollar Manhattan Project, a small town with all imaginable amenities and entertainment facilities was built in the middle of the Nevada desert in order to offer the family members of the scientists involved as pleasant a daily life as possible. Unfortunately, the D-Lab’s budget is not quite enough for this (at least not yet;-). But this must be compensated by creative ingenuity (for suggestions see chapter D-Lab Activities). As far as the development of one’s own creativity within this project is concerned, there are limits to this just because of the relatively narrow framework of the task set. Order work does not correspond to the contemporary idea of a free artist’s soul. But it could have other advantages. One should not underestimate what unexpected talents might emerge once the heavy lid of self-doubt has been lifted a little by the group energy. Anyone who doesn’t know such self-doubt is unlikely to be interested in a project like this.
However, the healthy lifestyle presented here below, with all the physical activities offered and the nutritious organic food, that should appeal to anyone who would like to live healthy.
A look at the book Iron John (German title: Eisenhans) by Robert Bly could perhaps be very useful in this context, whether for man or woman, because it is about the masculine part in each of us. Then one will understand perhaps better that here with the “world savior” on No. 1 of the Prio list most certainly not the widespread Gutmenschtum is meant. Young activists in particular seem to fall easily into this sticky trap of political correctness at the moment. Moral-ethical motives alone, then, are not enough for consistent participation. Sincere personal despair about the state of the world, on the other hand, can be a good spark. However, this energy is also not suitable as a permanent fire. Lust drives the work! What kind of lusts could be lived out here, about it one can read something in the following chapters.
4. “You can’t always get what you want”
“You can’t have everything,” and that applies to everyday life at D-Lab as well. But isn’t it a tempting task to create something where you could perhaps one day have everything your heart desires, because finally the dilemma with the “either – or” decisions, which has already been mentioned here several times, can be put on file? Or at least one has tried to create something like that?
Is it now probably about the attempt to breed the egg-laying lizard, i.e., the nonplus ultra? (for current reasons, perhaps the term laboratory for the cultivation of an antivirus would be more appropriate;-). “Yes, yes, always this megalomania,” one hears the eternal admonishers say. “Such a creation could also turn into a biting animal, or a dangerously mutating virus. Let us rather bake just small rolls than big breads. Better bend than break.”
If the last sentence particularly appeals to you, and if you can’t feel any enthusiasm for the challenge of creating the ultimate, you should probably leave this page here at the latest. Because every master knows that, as a rule, one only achieves a reasonably reasonable result when one is heading for the ultimate. You’re stupid if you think everything must be perfect, but you’re lazy if you see something wrong in aiming for the perfect. One-size fits all doesn’t exist, some claim, maybe also out of fear for uniformity.The result of this kind of thinking is usually uniform mediocrity. This seems paradoxical, at least to someone who is not familiar with the phenomenon of creative attention. The mediocre never quite stretch the bow to the limit, and then would like everyone else to do the same – mainly to hide their own weakness and fear. It is not so much the fear of the bow bursting, but of the power one then possesses when one masters archery (“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure” Nelson Mandela). A true master stretches the bow to the utmost point, but without overstretching it – which distinguishes him from the cocky and megalomaniac. Then, at the right moment, he uses the high tension and shoots his arrow in the direction of the target point.When the bow is spent, it is again stored safely, completely relaxed.
Another aspect is logic. After all, you could also ask yourself what you want to do with all those little rolls, or why you’re bending over backwards like this when your house has already started to catch fire instead of just smoldering away. If the fire is extinguished, then an everyday life awaits in the future, in which one will be even less master of one’s own house, and where one will be monitored even more as before at every turn. Not to mention all the other already unhealthy things in this polluted house. So, what is there really to lose? And what possibly to gain? What is prudence, what is cowardice?
It goes without saying that a kind of trial period of a few weeks will be necessary, during which you get to know each other and sense whether this project can really be at the top of your list of priorities. But the burning desire for a “hero’s journey” should certainly exist even before the first contact.
This appeal is addressed to people who have heard the warning shot across the bow of the world ship and are aware that a full broadside could sink this ship called civilization on the spot or, what may seem even worse to some, that this world ship could soon become a floating prison after a tsunami of new technologies triggered by AI and quantum computers, be it in the sense of Orwellian or Huxleyan dystopia. Dark clouds on the horizon already announce the next hurricane. What remains afterwards in the case of a non-sinking, could be a ghost ship, which is steered from now on exclusively by the machine spirit of the time. Matrix sends its regards. Doom or ghost ship – that sounds like the choice between plague and cholera, at least for those who still notice anything at all. Their number is dwindling by the day. This is not only due to the gigantic propaganda machinery alone, but also to the massive increase in chemical and digital poisoning. Digitalization is truly a symbol of the culmination of the incessant thought machinery of poor Adam, who can no longer see the forest for the trees, not to mention the delicious fruits of it. On average, a civilized modern person spends 7-8 hours a day in front of a screen according to statistics, not even counting streaming of movies.And is thus in the head and mostly disconnected from the rest of the body. Is there anything left to wonder about?
The rudder can only be turned around by a kind of quantum leap of consciousness, to which this project would like to contribute. In the first scenario, the downfall, the total chaos, Armageddon, Ragnarök or whatever you want to call it, this project could perhaps still serve as a kind of life raft with a little luck and prudence. For landlubbers, the parable of the abyss of total chaos on one side and the desert of total control on the other with a thriving oasis in between might be a little easier to understand. It is only important to understand that this is not a project to drop out, but one that wants to help not to get completely off the current narrow ridge of the last remnant of common sense and to reach a broad and safe path of a healthy way of life.
With these lines here, it should finally be enough of the warnings about the lurking dystopias. No more energy should be wasted on this now. No further attention should be paid to the “monster” of the dystopia. Others are already doing that enough. But you should have looked the monster in the eye once to be able to stand up to it. Then it really loses its eeriness. And if you look a little deeper into his eyes, you will see nothing but the soul of a disregarded child who finally wants to be seen and taken as he is at the bottom of his heart. This is as true of the greatest villain of all time, the prevailing zeitgeist, as it is of all its actors. Once you have really understood this, not only intellectually, but especially with the heart, then the “monster” can one day turn into a tame and even very useful pet :-).
5. Desire for research, adventure, creativity, and transformation
As far as the first three desires from the heading of this chapter are concerned, i.e., the desire for research, adventure, and creativity, it should be noted that one would probably not have been interested in this project and struggled through to this passage in the text if such desires had not already existed and were now looking to be acted out. But as for the last term from the headline, transformation, the desire for it is incomparably less common, but certainly the most essential of all. More about this below.
Hopefully, it has become clear from the previous chapters that terms like “hero’s journey” and “world savior” are not meant to arouse moral motivation – Do Goodies – stay away, please! It should already be an almost irresistible creative desire to design a new world. At first only on a fictitious level in the form of a draft, but thereby always in the full consciousness that the seed to the physical creation process is already laid with it.
This project requires a great deal of curiosity and longing to survive darker episodes where fear and worry might briefly get the upper hand. This yearning curiosity or curious longing should not be limited to writing fiction or the concrete design of the place to be created but should be primarily about the personal journey of discovery that this project might mean for oneself. In particular, the community-building methods mentioned above can bring out new and wonderful aspects of one’s personality that one never even dared to dream of before. But of course, it can also be the other way around, namely that one’s own expectations are not met at all, and one is disappointed. But with it then also a further one the self-deception is eliminated. It’s actually always about the same old story ….
6. Know yourself
Every interested person should weigh for himself, or better: feel (see above;-), what could be at stake, i.e., what could be lost and what could be gained on the other hand. One should be very aware of the risks because the above-mentioned methods of community building are anything but long-term proven. One should consider oneself a pioneer, especially in this area, who wants to explore the new continent of the emotional world and its diverse landscapes, first in one’s own interest, but also to pave the way for those who follow. For this vast continent of the human emotional world, despite two centuries of exploration since the age of Romanticism, there are indeed few reliable and hardly any truly detailed maps that can also be used pragmatically and reliably in everyday life. Full of dangerous pitfalls is this continent. Even if one can afford to spend hours on a therapist’s couch or a coach’s armchair, the orientation gained there often does not even last until the next fork in the road, if at all. This is since the person giving the advice does not know the environment of the person seeking the way at all or only from his subjective and emotionally colored reports. Except for those expensive guidebooks, there is almost no one to ask, and it is generally difficult to find your way in an environment where everyone is just rushing around. And not asking anyone for directions will cause embarrassment, with modern versions of the old familiar comfort The ways of the Lord are unsearchable. Or it may even still be considered most strange to be asked. At the very least, it will cause embarrassment. What’s the point of having a shrink who can unclog your mind like a clogged toilet, if necessary, with chemicals means? Until the next blockage. Because those plumbers cannot change the large and ever more badly functioning sewage system with increasing “feeling blockages”. In addition, the work of most therapists is based on the erroneous assumption that everyone is responsible for themselves and must therefore also cure themselves (but with the costly support of the therapist, of course).
“Where is everyone else anyway?“
This was once asked by an African writer during a tv talk-show to a visibly puzzled group of experts who were eagerly discussing problems in today’s couple relationships and modern therapy options. There in the village in Kenya where he grew up, the whole village always took part in such problems, quite simply because it is assumed there that two or three people alone can find out next to nothing with each other. How should it work then completely alone? This thought had probably not yet occurred to anyone in this group. Only one child psychiatrist was reminded of the African proverb: “It takes a whole village to raise a child. In modern society, apart from the above-mentioned experts, it causes people downright fear, or at least discomfort, when a lost soul asks for directions. For it reminds them that they themselves usually do not know where they actually are, and certainly not where they actually want to go.
It should be crystal clear that even those who have experience with group therapy are entering unfamiliar territory here. This is not about occasional meetings after work or limited periods of time as in seminars or workshops, but about everyday life in which it will be difficult to get out of each other’s way. This may sound terribly claustrophobic to many at first, except perhaps to those who have experienced everyday life on a sailing ship in the middle of the ocean, in a monastery in the middle of the desert, in a trench in the middle of a war, or in mountaineering and other extreme sports, how people are totally dependent on each other and cannot possibly avoid each other. Such people usually know the most wonderful things to say about their fellow travelers.
So why didn’t they all stay there forever, on the ships, in the monasteries, trenches or mountains, if it was so great? Well, finding that out is also what this project is about. What is good, and what is apparently missing in these “concepts” to make the people in question stay in these circumstances? Decoding such phenomena of human behavior, which at first seem to be easy to explain, but are then difficult to understand on closer inspection, is an essential part of the research activities of the D-Lab and its subordinate department PDD – the Phenomenon Decoding Department (also just a temporary working name;-).
7. Decoding as a permanent task
What may sometimes sound strange or even too banal and downright useless in such a typical decoding, however, often has a very enriching side. Why, for example, do many people in modern civilization hoard toilet paper first and foremost during a major collective crisis? Isn’t that interesting? This could be, for example, such a typical task of PDD, to explore the factors leading to the emergence of this phenomenon. Even if even the conventional behavioral research has recently dealt with this unusual phenomenon in connection with the Corona crisis, very important aspects were overlooked there, e.g., that of the acquired disgust for one’s own feces. Such an aspect is important to consider in connection with this project, for example. Therefore, a local toilet paper factory should not be immediately included in the project. But to expect the participants of the experiment to clean their rear ends from day 1, as mankind has done for 99.9% of its existence on earth, and as many cultures still do today, would probably be too big a step. Too deep seat of the inherited disgust before the own excretions, which fits into the general fear of corporeality. In order not to overburden anyone with too hasty steps, it would then be a matter of finding a plant or tree species suitable for the respective climatic zone, which with its velvety leaves could offer a natural substitute for toilet paper and thus fulfill the requirement of the Vicinity Rule (see above). Incidentally, no factory of any kind would probably be profitable under such conditions, where mass sales are excluded.
A prime example from the work of the PDD is given below. It deals with a phenomenon that used to be reserved mainly for individuals and outstanding personalities but has now become a mass phenomenon thanks especially to social media, namely the so often demonized narcissism. In addition, there is a little-known continuation of the legend about the beautiful young man from Greek mythology. It was tracked down by one of the PDD’s top agents:
One day the elves came to the shore of the lake, where Narcissus had once died of sheer exhaustion, because he had not been able to get enough of his beautiful reflection on the smooth surface of the lake. The elves now became aware that the lake was weeping bitterly and had obviously been weeping for a very long time and a great deal, for the lake had in the meantime become a great ocean with salty water, and its surface, which had formerly been mostly calm and at most sometimes slightly rippled, had now become a churning sea with high wave crests and correspondingly deep valleys.
“Why are you crying so bitterly, dear lake?” asked the elves.
“Because Narcissus died,” the lake answered, sobbing.
“Whaaaat?” cried the elves in horror. “You should be happy that this conceited and inconsiderate egocentric is no longer on your shores.
“Yes, yes, I know,” replied the lake. “It was just that my own beauty was reflected in his eyes”.
The results of such decryptions so far are reflected in the concept of this project. This form of work of Research and Dissolve is a constantly recurring task as long as there are still phenomena in human behavior that are not or only incompletely explained – thus probably forever.
8. Experience with the so-called Law of Attraction
The phenomenon of creative attention could be described as a kind of extended version of the Law of Attraction. There is already a lot of literature on the latter. For the former there is an extra menu item at the very end of the menu. This phenomenon, or better said, this law of nature, should be understood in its core statement with pleasure. Best of course from own personal experience, at least however from the theoretical occupation with it. I.e., that the recognition, understanding and application of this phenomenon should be of burning interest to all those interested in this project. Otherwise, the text mentioned below goes into more detail about this phenomenon and offers a few practical tips to try it out yourself. What better way than to experience it yourself in body and soul?
It is the most important tool for getting anything going in the right direction. But it’s not just about getting the best out of your own private life. After all, what good is private happiness if my neighbor is in a bad way? This is not only an ethical question, but also a very logical one. Because very soon you will no longer be able to hide from your neighbor’s misery, no matter how far away he lives. Nothing has made this clearer than the currently rampant pandemic of fear as a clear expression of the great misery, as already described in the chapter “WHY …. such a project“. The desire for private happiness must therefore be accompanied by a deep desire that my nearest neighbor and all other neighbors should also be well. This desire should not be based only on ethical or logical considerations but should come deeply from the heart. Those who find this impossible, while understandable especially in these insane times, had better not consider participating in this project, or should at least be willing to engage in a
process commonly called forgiveness. It may sound awfully holy, but it’s not so bad. And easier to do together with others anyway. Shared pain is half the pain, and shared joy is double the joy. That’s how it is, if not much less or much more.
9. Independence and Grounding
Completely independent of the financial situation of the project, all upcoming team members are expected to perform physical work for 4 hours/day, 4 days/week. The planned physical work could proceed on a farm leased or purchased by the D-Lab if appropriate funds are available. A dedicated farm site for the D-Lab would, of course, be the optimum. If these funds are not available, these activities should take place on organic farms and other initiatives in the vicinity, where agreements are made, as is also common on platforms such as Wwoof, WorkAway, Hippohelp, Volunteers Base. I.e.,usually, 4 hours of work against room and board. Other expenses must be covered by own means. If you do not want to be content with a room and prefer an independent place to live, you must pay for the rent yourself. I.e., one should have in each case already something in the backhand at saved, borrowed, inherited or the like, or furthermore something like existing incomes by investments, pension payments or the like. for all those needs that are not covered by board and lodging.
Physical creation is an integral part of everyday life at D-Lab. Moreover, such activities often serve excellently to maintain contact with the local environment. This half working day can be seen as part of the grounding, and at the same time give a small foretaste of the everyday life of the place that is to be created. After all, “the journey is the reward” ;-). The members of the D-Lab team should work together at the same place as often as possible, at least in groups of two, if it is compatible with the respective host/”employer”. Because the best way to get to know each other is in action.
Yoga, Qigong, meditation, and relaxation techniques should also be offered as part of the grounding program outside of the morning activity, as well as Capoeira, Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Mixed Martial Arts or similar. – all on a voluntary basis, of course. However, the jointly established community building program should be mandatory. There are various methods and concepts for this, of which community building according to Scott Peck, already mentioned above, is only one of many other possibilities, whose principles about the processes of community building, however, should be known in advance as theoretical guidelines. The book The Emotional Backpack by Vivian Dittmar, for example, contains a series of exercises that are easy to apply even in a modern everyday life and that can be done without spending much time and organization. In practice, it has been shown that non-verbal methods can be implemented much better and faster than the purely verbal ones, which will make a lot of sense especially regarding the international and cross-cultural composition of the future experiment participants.
As a possible location for this laboratory, a place and its immediate surroundings in Denmark could already be suggested, where especially the proximity to an ecovillage that has already existed for more than 30 years and the periphery that has developed from it could be used for the above-mentioned activities. Also the proximity to the metropolis Copenhagen could offer some advantages: https://vielskerhalsnaes-dk.translate.goog/torup-danmarks-hotteste-landsby-2/?_x_tr_sl=da&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=sc.
There are many very well-equipped cottages there on the north coast of Zealand (nearly always with wood-burning stove:-), and quite a few are also offered for long-term rental, especially in the winter half-year. As a rough guide to the price level for long-term rentals: 50 sqm about € 1,000, -/month, 100 sqm about € 1,500, -/month.
There are other proposals, currently, for example, the former estate of the Romanian Writers’ Union, which is waiting for a new use. But there are certainly still infinite other even less costly possibilities, especially overseas. In principle, this laboratory could be located anywhere in the world, if the activities described here can be carried out there.
10. D-Lab activities
a) The literary line
“In the beginning was the word ….” and in the end confusion, it seems. The attempt to disentangle this confusion is the noble intention of this endeavor. It seems almost paradoxical to then also want to begin with the word, the formulated thought and thus apparently the root of all evil.
“Language is the source of all misunderstandings,” said the fox to the little prince – and at the same time the author of this little book left behind a masterpiece of language, which, as the most translated work of fiction in the world to date, has been able to reach the hearts of millions of readers from the most diverse cultures.
Language, for all its limitations at the beginning, is indeed the preferred remedy of choice here, following the homeopathic principle: “Similia similibuscurrentur” – cure like with like.
An initial interest, perhaps only intuitive, in being on a hot track here may be enough to apply as a “laboratorian”. It does not require any great talents in advance, because one of the tasks of the project is to discover them in oneself or in others and then to use them accordingly. But you should already be able to delve into texts and reproduce their content. If you are good at editing and can reproduce a long text in brief without losing the essence, you will be particularly welcome here now, as you can easily see from these texts, which were written by someone who has not learned this craft.
The basic idea behind the literary line is to learn the conscious use of language and to use this as a springboard for the realization of the project on the physical level. Finding the appropriate linguistic and artistic expression for this project is therefore at the top of the to-do list. To do this, it would of course first and foremost make sense to find people who have mastered the craft of wordsmithing or at least have the serious desire to train themselves in this area. This means that not only journalistic but also literary writing skills are in high demand. Illustrations are at least as important to support the language with meaningful images. If one doesn’t feel called to either write or illustrate oneself, tasks could be to seek out needed previously undiscovered talents – the world is full of them – or to support those already found with full force in every way possible. Likewise, one could explore the various ways of publishing literature, from the traditional publishing system and literary agencies to self-publishing, social reading, interactive writing, and portals for readers and authors such as LovelyBooks, GoodReads, WattPad, Sweek, and so on. In addition, you can act as an alpha or beta proofreader yourself and give the author(s) appropriate feedback or support them in any other way you can think of, e.g., with research tasks. In this context, analogue working (what a horrible fashion term!) rather than digital is of extraordinary importance. The best ideas usually arise quite spontaneously in casual get-togethers. The constant “analog” exchange between the “lab assistants” on site will also determine the best way to create the corresponding works.
. As stated in the D-Lab assignment, the initial focus should be on a work of fiction and an associated encyclopedia, for which drafts are already available. But who knows what other ideas will come up once the process has begun.
The basic idea of the literary line is to take up a thread that Aldous Huxley had begun to spin in the year before his death in 1963 with the utopian novel The Island. Perhaps he had begun to suspect then what he himself, as well as George Orwell and some other “dystopians”, had been involved in. Without realizing it, they had helped create the very world they wanted to warn the rest of the world against creating. They were probably unaware of the phenomenon of creative attention as a principle of creation. The concept of the Law of Attraction was probably also not yet properly spread at that time. Otherwise, these gifted writers would probably have drawn utopian novels with equally impressive pictures of an alluring future almost in the same breath as they had managed to draw those of a depressingly dystopian future. Huxley’s somewhat dry and unimaginative attempt at a semi-socialist utopia in the novel The Island understandably did not leave many people dreaming of such a future life, even if it had been feasible. Later attempts by other, less gifted authors, have tended to move towards more spiritual or wholly unrealistic science fiction, such as the bestseller The Secret or countless fantasy stories. In principle, books like The Lord of the Rings or The Never-ending Story also belong in this category, as a kind of escape to Phantasia. As if one dares to call a spade a spade. After all, modern everyday life offers enough dramatic material. Why then still help oneself to the world of myths, fairy tales and fantasy? An investigation by the PDD revealed, in short, that in these worlds one can, for example, make use of ancient symbols and rites that appeal to the collective unconscious – “What you know, you love” – as well as design the environment as one wishes, the setting, so to speak, which can turn out to be much more imaginative and sensual than the modern everyday world could ever be. This may be considered the more appealing task artistically because it gives more narrative freedom. Without it, there would have been no Harry Potter, and many other characters would not have existed. For the reasons mentioned above concerning the collective unconscious, people have always loved these stories more than those that only remind them of their monotonous daily lives – which they don’t know how to change. It is painful to become aware of this and not have solutions at hand (which is what our story is about). Thus, these kinds of stories from Phantasia very quickly become pure entertainment (and nowadays entire industries) because the actual message cannot be translated into one’s own everyday life. The reference to the known is missing. Words and especially “the moral of the story” play a small role compared to pictures that are drawn in these stories. That is what people remember.
“In the beginning is the image ….”
Momo by Michael Ende still comes closest to a successful attempt in the direction of a concrete, positive vision of the future. Momo ends with a happy ending after a long and dark odyssey through the world of the Grey Lords (the now reality). The Grey Lords vanish into thin air, and one quickly finds oneself back to “good old” normality – what so many are longing for in these days, after the fantastic corona-trick of the Grey Lords hit like a bomb. Despite the rather petit-bourgeois future vision of ‘good old’ normality, thevision of the Momo-story probably comes closest to a reasonably realistic and reasonably likable future, at least compared to other works with this theme. The book’s success lies primarily in Michael Ende’s storytelling skills as well as the recognizability of modern everyday life. But the real strength lies in the strategic recipe for victory over the Grey Lords (read: gray cells;-), albeit packaged in a somewhat squiggly and naive language. But if you understand the symbolism in it, you also understand the “flower power” strategy of this project.
The Islandby Aldous Huxleyhas inspired the creation of a miniature model for the first time as part of an officially recognized experiment, a model that can offer something more than “good old” normality.
The Lord of the Rings has inspired to the importance of detailed depictions of the environment and its creatures to create the fascination of a universe all its own, and of course – as with Momo – the emphasis on the importance of courageous personal action by individuals at the risk of their own lives.
The perfumeof PatrickSüsskind as another classic of piece of literature has inspired the intention to create the ultimate best, with the simultaneous warning not to get lost in the goal according to the saying: ‘The goal is in the way’
Brave New World, forall its hopelessness, has provided the idea for the “friendly cuckoo egg strategy”, i.e., to establish a small oasis in an already existing or specially established nature reserve or similar, in order to influence the rest of the world from there. “Friendly” named because the brood of this weird bird called Modern Civilization should not be thrown out of the nest by the hatched cuckoo chick but taught to fly. You could also call it the strategy of the friendly Trojan horse, with a crew of peace and joy angels hidden inside the outer appearance :-).
The never-ending storycould mostly serve to better understand one’s own role in this project, following the example of the main protagonist there, in order to become a co-creator of the story of one’s own life. Doesn’t that sound a bit tempting? Of course, if one contrasts the small number of utopian works with the huge mountain of dystopian works, both fiction and non-fiction – not to mention film works – there should no longer be any doubt about which future scenarios are the most likely, at least if one has recognized the phenomenon of the creative attention. Resignation can be an understandable reaction after that. But as long as there is still a desire to create something new, there is really no reason to throw in the towel.Besides, sometimes it looked quite hopeless for Momo and Frodo before the page suddenly turned..
b.) The practical line
The activities of this line include purchasing and preparing meals, taking care of administrative, technical, and organizational tasks, as well as the role of the so-called gofer, who relieves other members of the D-Lab team of practical errands, thus freeing up their time to better concentrate on project tasks. The care and maintenance of technical equipment, mainly in the form of bicycles, computers, telephones, etc., requires a certain level of technical skills, but can also be delegated to professionals if the budget allows. The only important thing is that someone is practically inclined and responsible about this stuff. Once you get going and the mood is good, many new ideas and talents will emerge anyway, and previously closed doors will open that you had no idea about before.
c) Support line
The aim here should be to get in touch with possible sponsors and supporters of this project idea, e.g., via a blog, and to involve them in the creation process, if necessary, e.g., as test readers, co-authors or as researchers, e.g., for the encyclopedia’s extensive collection of facts. The blog could also be an opportunity for exchange between people who are simply interested in the project. Whether this line is really such a good idea if you mainly want to work undisturbed for the time being remains to be seen. But maybe it is just a question of being aware of the problem of distraction instead of concentration, and organizing accordingly, e.g., if one team member as administrator filters out the essentials for the rest of the team and spends only a limited amount of time on this activity.
d.) The ‘Oasian’ line
Here people could have themselves put on a list as coming participants of the real experiment in the form of the new place as the first ‘Oasians’, even if the location and time of the erection are not yet determined at all. Again, however, it may prove too early for this type of activity for the reasons mentioned in the previous section of distraction from the essentials. Moreover, staying too long in the ‘waiting room’ might also tend to be demotivating at some point, at least while the physical realization of the project is still in the stars. The typical ‘Oasian’ of the first hour will usually be rather impatient activists with a pioneering spirit who want to get going as quickly as possible. Therefore, perhaps this portal should not be opened until physical realization is within reach. However, if the D-Lab has enough forces, such a portal could be used to organize temporary camps, where the future daily life of the ‘Oasians’ can be practiced a bit in advance in courses about permaculture and the other expected grounding activities up to community building training.
11. The ‘aptitudetest‘
The questionnaire should in fact be a kind of aptitude test, namely whether and to what extent one is really suited to work together on this project. As much clarity as possible should be established in advance to prevent misunderstandings and wasted time. As already mentioned, it is important for effective cooperation to speak a common language and, in the case of unclear points, to still find them, i.e., there should be agreement as far as possible on the essential points of this project description.
It is not necessary to fully understand all aspects of this project to be able to answer the questions. The project is complex in content, as it attempts to cover all areas of human life and contains ideas that may not have been considered by the reader before. The most difficult to understand seem to be the lower-level topics around technology and the expected higher level around eroticism and sexuality. Either these topics touch “sacred cows” or it is apparently simply beyond the imagination of many people. For some, they even evoke horror scenarios of living in dank Stone Age caves with emotional chaos when mode technology is absent, and sexuality should be given free rein. And if it’s not these issues, it’s others, such as the very conscious use of the often-demonized mainstream media or social media. Or it’s the fact that participants in this experiment receive land ownership completely free of charge. After all, that sounds truly outrageous to many ears, even among do-gooders. The fact that what was once stolen under the flag of property rights is here in principle only returned to the rightful owners is difficult to convey. The right of the more ruthless seems to have already passed into the ethical genes.
The concepts of Kindergardensand LowSchools, on the other hand, are no longer quite so difficult to convey, thanks in part to Corona, where the school system hasnow been exposed as a total disaster. Now the children are not only being completely abandoned but are also being actively poisoned. Even for many previously system-compliant parents, this has gone too far.
It is probably not so much the individual components of this concept that are difficult to understand, but rather the composition and thus the complexity of what has been described above as a mosaic of millennia of human experience, and for which the cherries have been picked out of the cake. Hence now this questionnaire. This complexity of the project should be understood to some degree. It is not about having perfection as the sole goal. It’s about doing something as well as you know how and can do it. That’s a general rule. One should make every possible effort, but without breaking anything over one’s knee. And in general, you should never break off anything. The way is the goal and the goal in the way, if it is pursued unbendingly (also called Anti-Wu Wei;-). The fact is that a human being is basically no different from a potted plant, any more than from any other living being. If one essential element is missing, the living thing will not thrive. In the case of the potted flower, it is the elements of water, light, air and earth in the right combination that leads to thriving and blossoming, with human attention not only as extra “fertilizer” but as a basic condition for existence (see also discussion Einstein-Bohr). If even one of the elements is missing, it dies. If the composition is not quite right – i.e., if this plant gets too much or too little water, or stands in a drafty place while a wind-protected place would be more in keeping with its nature – then it may survive, i.e.,, vegetate, as it is also called, but it will not come to flower, no matter how much well-intentioned human attention it receives. #For good reason our world consists of material matter. This project is therefore not only a concept for the survival of the being Homo Sapiens, but one that can bring it to its full bloom. The factors necessary for this must first be researched.
“This is a material world – and I am a material girl” (from Madonna-song Material Girl).
If you’ve ever made the effort to study for an exam or fill out detailed application forms, this “aptitude test” shouldn’t be a hardship. This effort must be made. After all, a passionate interest in the subject is a sine qua non.
Unfortunately, a certain amount of academic intelligence is required to answer the questions. Why unfortunately? Hopefully, it is clear from the texts that intelligence is not the most outstanding human ability. In fact, it is precisely this narrative that has brought us to this now seriously threatening situation. It is the whole tragicomedy of the situation that man thinks he is the smartest of all beings. Really it is a bad joke, and a momentous mistake. All dramas of life are based on the feelings suppressed by the intellect. This is the analysis boiled down to the essentials. Not the most intelligent, but the most emphatic being on this planet is man, or at least he has the dispositions for it. At least that is the hypothesis of this project. To finally be able to take this into account, the outside world will have to be redesigned accordingly, just as one has to offer the potted plant the right conditions if it is not only to vegetate but to blossom.
For the less academic and more endowed with social and/or practical intelligence, and therefore very much appreciated, there will unfortunately be a greater need only later. Then, however, in abundance. Many loving spirits and practical hands will be needed then. Stay tuned, people.
Please answer the questions listed below either in your own words or copy and paste the relevant passages from the corresponding texts. It is recommended to read through the list of questions to the end before starting to answer.
But attention,attention, please!Before your inner fact-checker starts to sound the alarm when you read through the questionnaire, please always keep in mind that this is not about checking generally accepted facts or opinions, but solely about the content of this text, which has no claim to so-called objectivity. In many places, it deviates considerably from the common narratives, both from those of the mainstream and from those of the countless tributaries and rivulets of opinion about what is considered true and right. Also, it cannot be repeated often enough in this culture that has been steeped in authority for millennia, which can quickly evoke feelings of the old familiar “master and disciple” relationship or the like. The point here is neither to shine with knowledge nor to please anyone, but only to find a common language – and otherwise to try to invent it. So it’s an aptitude test in the sense of whether one might be suitable for a future collaboration.
“If you have decided to be a master, you must continue to be a student!” (Mehmet Murat Ildan)
‘Aptitude-test’ for ‘laboratorians’ of the D-Lab (tentative work name).
- Collective security and safety of the community or individual freedom and development of the individual? What is the main emphasis in the project with the preliminary working name A new old world in a nutshell?
- How do you find the preliminary work name A new old world in a nutshell on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = very bad, 10 = very good)?
- Do you have any ideas about naming it yourself?
- The preliminary name The D-Lab – Laboratory for growing an antivirus is intended as a preparatory part of the New old world in a nutshell, What do you think of this preliminary working name? On a scale 1 – 10 (1 = verybad, 10 = verygood).
- Do you have a better idea yourself regarding naming?
- What does this quote mean? “As soon as you have uttered the word Tao, you have already moved away from it.
- Why is it of great importance not to let this project act as a kind of new message of salvation?
- What does this quote mean: “In the beginning was the Word” …, and in the end, confusion?
- Do morals and ethics belong to the world of thought or that of the senses?
- Does the so-called common sense belong to the world of thoughts or to the world of senses?
- “Show, don’t tell.” Why does this rule of thumb of fiction writing play such a big role in this project?
- What phenomenon is the subject of the technical dispute between Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr (“God does not play dice”)?
- “Forget prudence, forget prowess, then ….” Pleasecompletequote
- Why do beliefs/ideologies usually turn into the opposite of what was originally intended?
- Why are so-called do-gooders not necessarily good for those around them?
- What is usually the main driving force of so-called do-goodism?
- Why is democracy an inconceivably unsuitable form of leadership, not only in maritime and aviation?
- What form of leadership is envisioned in this project?
- Why is the ocean ruler over all waters? (see Parable of Lao Tzu)
- Which path does the water choose in principle? (see parable by Lao Tzu)
- How do oak or willow trees behave in storms and under heavy snow loads? Which principle is the preferred one here, and which is applied where in this project? (seeparableof Lao Tzu)
- What is the task of the Phenomenon Decoding Department (PDD)?
- Which decoded human primal longing from which chakra is addressed in each case with successful companies such as FACEBOOK, AMAZON, IKEA, PORNHUB?
- Why is the porn industry the biggest data consumer on the Internet, receiving the most clicks per day right after GOOGLE and FACEBOOK?
- What physical connection has been proven to exist between the organ of the heart and that of the genitals, and what other connection is suspected?
- With which organ are sexual fantasies more connected, heart or brain?
- What are the first four chakras, and what do they stand for in terms of human history?
- Why don’t the following chakras play a role here?
- At what point of development does industrial civilization seem to be at this stage according to the chakra model used here?
- The primal fears in the form of loss of one’s own life, loss of community and loss of personal freedom relate to the 3 first stages of development of being human, among other things expressed in the lower 3 chakras. In what circumstances do the antitheses of fear and worry, primal trust and primal joy – also called antiviruses in D-Lab parlance – manifest most clearly for you in this project? Give 4 examples, please
- What does judging have in common with the principle of “Divide et Impera“?
- What are both religion and science built on?
- What do faith and thinking have in common?
- What are the four phases of community building called?
- Why are more nonverbal methods suggested for the purpose of building authentic community?
- The key word for healing trauma in this project is a livable and lovable EVERYDAY in an authentic community. What other methods should be used in addition for the purpose of “detraumatization” if necessary?
- Why are therapies disconnected from everyday life described as relatively ineffective?
- What does the following quote from “The Little Prince” mean in the context of this project and therapies? “Oneisresponsibleforwhatonehastamed”.
- What is the function of Elves’n Trolls patrollers?
- What four flavors should be included in a meal?
- “Thou shalt work by the sweat of thy brow …” Why is sweaty physical work at times considered to be of elementary importance for well-being?
- Why is it elementary that daily work should be necessary for survival?
- Why should the average working time, i.e., the necessary performance to earn a living, not exceed four hours a day, as can be observed, for example, among primitive peoples?
- In your opinion, what is the reason that it is called progress compared to primitive peoples when a parent in modern daily life must spend an average of 12-14 hours to do all the things necessary for a functioning daily life in a reasonably proper way (work and transport times, shopping, household, administration, parent meetings, etc.)?
- What is the decoding for the great interest of primitive peoples in the modern way of life, despite its many literally toxic side effects, including the many daily “overtime” hours of modern man?
- Why does housing and clothing have more meaning in this project than just being a protective and breathing second and third skin?
- How, other than through dwelling, clothing, jewelry, and utensils – can the artistry of the inhabitants be expressed here?
- What is the significance in the daily life of the project of the many cabarets for music, poetry, and theater on Minglemile, the main artery of the village?
- What is the significance of the legend of Narcissus in connection with this project?
- What role does the “Summer of Love” of the hippie movement in 1967 play in connection with this project?
- What is the role of permaculture in arable and horticulture, and what is the role of permaculture in urban and landscape design?
- Why is there ownership of land, housing, and equipment for free for life for the participants of the project?
- Why is it likely that even after the start-up period is over, there will be no need for taxes or other levies to any community body?
- Why must the funding for the construction of the site, as well as for the 4-year start-up phase, be based on unconditional donation?
- What is the justification for the necessity of a start-up phase until complete self-sufficiency with all goods of daily use is achieved?
- What explains the comparatively low construction costs of this settlement model?
- How many settlements of this type, including support in the start-up phase, could be built for the price of one aircraftof the type Eurofighter and how many modern family houses would be needed to build one settlement?
a.) in industrialized countries?
b.) in developing countries?
- What are the 4 basic needs according to the needs ring model?
- What generic term is used for the only four rules Property Rule, Vicinity Rule, Loyalty Rule, and Legality Rule?
- Which motto belongs to which dogma?
a.) “To each his kingdom, to each her queendom”.
b.) “Once bitten, twice shy”.
c.) “Why roam wide and far when all good is so close by”.
d.) “Getting at arrival, leaving at departure”.
- Under which dogma does the 4-market, with its approximately 4-mile (about 6 km) radius, belong as a limit to the origin and production of all kinds of goods offered?
- “Rich is who knows that there is enough” – In what context is this saying used?
- Why is no administration necessary for this place except for organizing activities with out-of-town visitors?
- How to manage the administration to organize the activities with out-of-town visitors after the start-up period is over?
- Why the term “low school“?
- How is sustainability taught and lived at the Low School at the same time?
- Why are exchange programs considered an important part of the concept?
- Why has the technological level been chosen according to the output of the 18th century?
- What technological improvements should be developed over the state of the art in the late 18th century?
- Where else should the principle “Similisimilibuscurantur” (cure like with like) be applied except in curing diseases?
- Why is there no longer access to state social insurance after the start-up period expires?
- What criteria will be used to select the upcoming permanent residents of the site by the lead C-Team (tentative working name)?
- What is the composition of the C-team and what principle of leadership should be used?
- “What we know, we love”. Why do history, tradition and constantly recurring rituals play such an important role since time immemorial, and to which chakra would this phenomenon be assigned according to the Phenomenon Decoding Department (PDD)?
- In which of the initiatives do you think the longing for recognition of the familiar is tried to be met the most? Name 2 initiatives and reasonswhy, please
- Which of the initiatives would appeal to you most personally? Name 2 initiatives and with reasons
- In your own estimation, will a separate cultural “tribal identity” with a corresponding sense of belonging develop under the conditions described? If so, how long would it probably take for the vast majority to acquire this new cultural identity?
- Why is the combination of urban and rural life considered so important?
- “What gets attention thrives“. What does the concept for the participation of science, media and tourism have to do with the phenomenon of creative attention?
- What is the essential difference between the “Law of Attraction” and the “Phenomenon of Creative Attention“?
- Why should the leading C-team (provisional working name) take on a regulating function in the above concept, like a gardener in the dosage of water and fertilization?
- How does the “Group of all Leaders” concept differ from, for example, the so-called “consensus democracy”?
- How could the principle of the “Group of all Leaders” concept work in practice when, for example, a tense situation requires a quick decision?
- Why are formats such as reality TV considered particularly suitable in connection with this project?
- Why is social media seen as an expression of a “pandemic of narcissism” and why is so much positive importance attached to this expression? (see also principle “Nodisease, nocure“)
- Why is an Internet café the only technological achievement of the industrial age that can be used by residents in this place?
- What else should scientists from the various disciplines be observing and documenting besides trends in residents’ physical and mental health?
- Why can the inclusion of still existing parts of indigenous populations be of great benefit? What can indigenous people learn from civilized people and, conversely, what can modern people learn from indigenous people?
- What is the name of the ancient culture that never mixes work and dance shoes, and that does not even have words in its traditional vocabulary for poverty, war, famine and orphans?
- Why is the tradition of visiting marriagecalled a declaration of love both for security of the family and for passion of romance and eroticism?
- Why is high admiration paid withinMosuoculture despite sexual permissiveness to long monogamous relations, and a married couple living under one and the same roof already almost like an eighth wonder of the world regarded? (Prize question! Who can answer this question aptly, will receive an extra bonus;-)?
- What internal and external conditions must exist to be able to live the concept of visiting marriage as a family model alongside the usual nuclear family model?
- What are the main differences between chimpanzees and bonobos?
- In which areas of modern daily life does the chimpanzee way of life predominate, and in which does the bonobo way of life?
- Why does the Property Rule (“Each his kingdom, each her queendom“) not contradict the idea of community?
- What must there be consensus on among the “lab workers”?
- Which of the 4 lusts mentioned in the text should be the main driving force for a “lab worker”?
- What is the art of avoiding the preacher syndrome?
- What is the normal term for the art called the Eve Principle here?
- What do you think about this quote in connection with this project?
“The opposite of love is not hatred but indifference“.
- What do you think about this quote in connection with this project?
“Love is to be able to see the reality of the other”?
The “correct” answers, i.e., the statements that are most applicable in terms of the project, are graded on a scale of 1 – 10 (1= little correct 10 = much correct). The result will be sent after the examination.
WHAT IF… such a project becomes reality?
The D-Lab group develops into an authentic and well-functioning community and forms the core group of the project in the future. The novel The Experiment and its encyclopedia become worldwide bestsellers, as does the film version, of course ;-).
The project depicted in these works is created in parallel on a physical level “as it is written in the book” and triggers a worldwide hype especially via the modern media.
Suddenly, everyone wants to live like they do there in this urban village, which is rapidly becoming a village town. The hype surrounding this project leads to a change in awareness in all areas of life, and soon land for such projects is being acquired by initiatives or released for this purpose by governments and private owners. The focus of science is also suddenly changing as a result, and from now on it will concentrate primarily on cleaning up the polluted planet, especially on the biggest and most dangerous of all unsolved problems, that of nuclear waste. Other tasks will be to produce effective low-tech inventions in the spirit of this project, and to work out practical programs for the smoothest possible transition from the highly industrial to the post-industrial era.
The project does not get off the ground at all
Even if the opposite of the hypothesis should occur, i.e., the inhabitants and the cultural life of this experimental field should not blossom explosively as expected, but instead perhaps even sink into chaos or simply vegetate, or that in the case of a blossoming the public does not perceive this process at all or even still perceives it as negative – even then it would not be a failure in the eyes of the researcher. Not even the residents’ slipping into religious sects or political parties would be considered a failure, and even the most horrible of all possible scenarios in the form of a sterile, CO2-neutral, QR code-monitored and deadly boring single-family home neighborhood could be considered a failure. After all, the experiment is only secondarily about achieving the expected and, of course, desired result, but it is first and foremost about obtaining useful results and findings that can contribute to further research into the factors that contribute to the flourishing of the being called Homo Sapiens. Trial and error is now the usual method of the researcher.
The whole idea of D-Lab and its mission to establish a new kind of place as well as the concepts to create an authentic community as a basic prerequisite for this prove to be so unsuitable that all group members go their separate ways again after the failed attempt. This, however, with the awareness that each disappointment is just one more self-deception less. “Know Thyself“. To also chisel “Know thy neighbor as thyself” in stone, the time was then just not yet ripe for it.
About the operator
Since this laboratory for growing an antivirus is subject to strict secrecy, there is no further information about the operator of this facility!
Seriously: The initiator and operator is none other than the anti-Zeitgeist, the one who would like to spread confidence and joy in existence instead of worry and fear, as the currently prevailing Zeitgeist likes to do.
Without being distracted by possible sympathies or antipathies for certain types of people, one should try to concentrate completely on the content of the actual project. It should be the content of this project that turns the first spark of interest into a flame of enthusiasm, without any inclinations or dislikes towards a certain type of people having too much influence. Nor should the writing style have any influence at best. However, as mentioned in the preface, this can of course be somewhat difficult. Even with the most matter-of-fact writing style, something of the author’s personality will still shine through. Perhaps, however, just being aware of this fact can have the effect of mitigating this limitation somewhat, allowing one to focus more on the purely substantive statements. “Language is the source of all misunderstandings“. That is why, hopefully, we have succeeded here in creating a few initial images of a new old world. Because “In the beginning is the image …”
The “strict secrecy” will of course be lifted in case of serious interest in the project after the first contact.
On this website only the most essential points can be discussed. Further information is available on request.
- Contact
Additional in-depth information on the topic
Additional in-depth information on the topic
- The Phenomenon of creative Attention
“It is better to do nothing than to achieve little with much effort.”(Lao-Tse)
“If man does not think about the distant future, he will regret it in the near future” (Confucius).
“Creating the future without effort cannot be regretted.” (unknown).
This text is in principle about nothing other than the eternal struggle of the two poles in this dualistic world, the male and female principle, yin, and yang or whatever you want to call it. Much has been written about this over the millennia, whole towers of books. What more should there be to say? Perhaps the third of the above quotes could stand for this, as a kind of balancing act between the first two, reflecting the two poles with the yin serenity of a Lao Tzu and the yang zeal of a Confucius.
If you are not interested in the dry theoretical background of this experiment, you should skip the following text up to the chapter “Exercise program ATTENTION”. However, this should actually interest everyone. Because who would not like to be his own Santa Claus?
Or is that perhaps a misconception? Do we perhaps prefer to believe in Santa Claus (or as adults in the dear God, in science or whatever) than to be the creators of our own circumstances? Is it perhaps because we are afraid of the freedom and self-responsibility that the realization that we ourselves are all creators could bring us?
This text consists of a long string of assertions that are not further explained or elucidated in detail. Without previous occupation with this topic and/or accompanying conversations these assertions will be perhaps difficult to comprehend. It is about nothing less than the great drama of mankind, which is at the same time also the personal drama of this author as of the very most, if not all people, sometimes more, sometimes less. This text is about observations and findings about the nature of the human species with the clear intention to find a pragmatic instruction for the solution of this old conflict, and to bring at least the tragic part of this drama to a conclusion, as megalomaniac as this may sound now. Just another one of those manuals for a successful and happy life that have been flooding the book market for several decades? There is probably no other book that tries to explain the interrelationships of the human dilemma in a way like this one. Then you must try it yourself, even if writing is a foreign subject for you. The content could only become a gift for others if it were possible to put the text into such a form that it would reach people’s hearts. The only way to bring about change is through the heart. And this can never be done with sober words, such as in a text like this. It can reach the mind in the best case. But that could also be a beginning. The greatest effect, however, is to live out the message oneself, in the everyday life of one’s own environment. Because “As above so below, as in the large so small”. Personally, this text also serves as a kind of reminder because moments of complete clarity are quickly lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It would be to be wished that this text r can nevertheless also convey something to others – because shared joy is double joy – and even much more. Other people have written so many thick books about the individual topics addressed here that one could fill entire libraries with them. Whether about the sense of the life, about the existence of so-called supernatural or divine forces, about drafts of other society models up to life counselors of all shades already innumerable books were written. Since I experience the unimaginative, explanatory writing as an extremely nonsensical, and sometimes also as completely nonsensical occupation, I will try in my own interest to keep the text as short as possible. Besides, one cannot explain the phenomenon, which is the subject here, with sober words anyway.
“The Tao that can be explained is not the Tao,” or “As soon as one utters the word Tao, one has already departed from it, said the ancient Lao-tse. So, the Tao, the all-creating force, cannot be explained by me or anyone else. So, what is this about? It is about an attempt to design a kind of guide to come into intensive, daily contact with this phenomenon – you can call it Tao, God, intuition, reality or whatever you like – and to remain in it. The point is not to provide a guide to over-living, but to living, a living from the full. The written word cannot reach the heart – which is what it is all about! Unless one is a gifted poet, one will not reach it in the written way. The author of this text has not even learned the craft of journalistic writing, which is why it is probably also questionable to what extent anything can be conveyed here, even purely intellectually. Therefore, the reader of this text should try to read a little over grammatical errors and bumps in the style and read more between the lines – even if it may sometimes be difficult. Some of the content may seem familiar, some completely new. However, I would like to urge all readers not to believe a single word I say before one has seen with one’s own eyes and felt in one’s own flesh the mode of action and enormous power of the phenomenon described in the text.
The power of feelings
What sounds like the title of an article in a women’s magazine contains the most important insight in this context. It has nothing or not much to do with the trials and tribulations of the emotional world, about which so much nonsense is written – and not only in women’s magazines. But it is not for nothing that this topic is always of interest, and not coincidentally mainly to women. Women search more for the often-lost access to their feelings, and they usually need an exchange about their emotional world more than men do. Generally speaking. But actually, it is again only about the female or male principle, whereby the respective portions can be differently stored with each human. A man can be more attached to the female principle than a woman, just as a woman can live more according to the male principle than some men. The male principle stands for reason and experience, the stored information, the world of thoughts – while the female principle stands for the inexplicable, the mystical and for intuition, which can only be accessed through the world of feelings. The core message of this text: Not thoughts, but the feelings linked to them create our energetic vibrations, which subsequently determine our actions. These meanwhile even electromagnetically measurable vibrations do not only influence our environment but are the basic building block of all matter. On the very circuitous path via quantum physics, this millennia-old insight of Eastern philosophies is slowly spreading in the West as well. This means, then, that both personally and collectively we create our own living conditions by the kind of vibrations we ourselves generate. Feelings that arise spontaneously without the interference of the thought apparatus, i.e., through sensory impressions, arise directly from intuition (intuition, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.). They are always highly actual and thus connected with reality. This is the “real stuff”, so to speak. These feelings have the highest energetic vibrations. Feelings, consciously or unconsciously generated by thoughts, are never actual and thus far from reality. Because thoughts, even if they are about the future, originate i m m e r (!!!) from the past. So, this is the “unreal commodity”. “Real” feelings have the frequency curve of a gong – they slowly rise, culminate, and slowly fade away. The duration, intensity and frequency of the sound can be just as different as the sounds emitted by the different types of gongs. The frequency and strength can also vary, of course, depending on who is hitting the gong and how. But there is one thing that “real” feelings cannot do: they can never be the same and constant, as “fake” feelings – generated by thoughts – can be. Spontaneity and constant change – without excluding repetition – thus constitute the true, “genuine” feelings. For some of the readers, this is certainly nothing new either. But what may be new is the pragmatic approach. By purposeful handling m. H. of thoughts certain feelings can be produced consciously, in order to increase the energetic vibration. I.e., it can be produced so to speak in artificial way “unreal” feelings. Also, nothing new. Thousands of preachers of the positive thinking and the so-called Law of Attraction have already explained it, and thereby the real feelings are held up outside to avoid the deep traumatic pain, which everyone holds in oneself, more or less.
The idea here is to look at this pain like one as a precious gemstone and use it actively. How exactly, more about that later. This restores, or at least improves, the lost access to intuition (intuition, instinct, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.) that was once inherent in all of us as infants. This is what has been most lost to our information society, and without it one is most certainly doomed. The better this access, the easier and more fulfilling the path of one’s own life – and while of our immediate environment, because good vibrations are even more contagious than bad ones. To take the rudder into one’s own hands and to steer one’s destiny consciously into the desired direction – not only without avoiding the pain but using it like a good breeze – this is where this idea differs from Wu-Wei, the core of the original Taoist way of life, the non-action, or rather the non-forcing as the supreme principle. This principle is also valid for this instruction because it is an irrefutable law of nature. But it is extended with the conscious influence on the course of things, the Yang energy of a Confucius. How this can be accomplished exactly, is written in the chapter The Technique of Unpowered Desire (the principle of creation), and the supporting auxiliary program to it, in the chapter Spur Mode. This manual differs from the newer teachings of positive thinking in that it does not consider the thought and its images to be the only decisive factor, but the feeling that accompanies it. Moreover, this manual also points out that only desires that are also in harmony with the environment, especially with that of the surrounding human community, must be in harmony in order to produce lasting – or to use a fashionable adjective – lasting joy. That is what this is all about. Joy generates very high vibrational frequencies, fear very low. According to the law of creative attention (attraction, focusing, fixation, concentration, etc.) the respective vibration manifests itself also in the outside, in the material. The more intensive and lasting the vibration, the more clearly the result. And now comes the probably most difficult to comprehend assertion of this text: The great and above all remaining attention to the lack, to the problem, is the real problem, the cause of all – really a l l evil – to which mankind has been exposed for millennia. That is why even seemingly positive wishes, affirmations, prayers, commandments and moral principles not only do not work, but usually bring about the opposite of what is desired. They mostly focus on the lack and therefore do not generate joy or pleasant feelings, i.e., therefore also no high vibrations. In addition, it comes still that even positively formulated and, on the fullness, considered words without pictorial conception to the desire do not have a particularly high vibration. Take for example the affirmation/wish: “I want/will/might be rich”. Here one assumes the lack of poverty. “I want/will/want to be healthy” starts from the lack of sickness, “I want/will/want to be no longer alone” from the lack of loneliness and praying for peace starts from the lack of peace. Etc. etc… In contrast, visual and detailed imagining of the desired state creates a very high vibration. The clearer the images and the more joyful, the more frequent and the longer lasting the accompanying feeling, the faster and clearer the manifestation in the outside. This is the law of attention, which is just as real as that of gravity. With feelings such as worry, sorrow, fear, or even hatred, the same principle naturally applies. The more intense the feeling, the clearer the manifestation. Criticism, judgment, and/or indifference also spring from the feeling of fear, and have a corresponding effect, though perhaps in a more inert and less dramatic form, i.e., in the form of permanent subliminal conflict or chronic illness. “The falling tree that is not heard makes no sound,” once wrote a 12th century English clergyman. Sensual attention is therefore the creative power par excellence. How to strengthen and use it consciously will be described later in the section “The Technique of Unpowered Desire”, step 4. Not knowing fully, the immense effect as well as the mechanisms of this creative power is the actual, millennia-old problem of mankind. Man has so far nibbled only one fruit from the tree of consciousness, that of intellectual consciousness. Convulsively, Adam now holds this fruit tightly in his hand, overlooking all the other delicious fruits that have since ripened. Only in short periods of the collective history he has nibbled once from the other sweet fruits which are called nowadays art, culture and social. But he never really dared to take a bite out of them. The few courageous people who dare to do so usually come into unpleasant contact with the trained collective moral-guilt-shame-jealousy-greed pattern. However, if they are strong enough, they can become unusually successful, experience admiration and fulfillment at all levels of life. However, this happens to very few. Most people remain eternally hungry for the sweet fruits, differing from each other only in the degree of starvation. Thereby the somewhat less starved ones often call the somewhat more starved ones ill. This probably consoles them somewhat over their own hunger, which cries out deep in their soul for the true life, which is a life of sensual pleasures.
This thing with Adam and Eve
This, of course, is not solely about the relationship between men and women and the many fortunes and misfortunes that arise as a result, although it has to do with that. As at the beginning of the chapter The Power of Emotions, this is more about the overriding male and female principle. Every person has both masculine and feminine parts, differently proportioned according to personality. To recognize these and to use them correctly is the subject of this chapter. Eve was probably too quick to let Adam have the apple – perhaps out of fear of her own responsibility? Or perhaps because she was simply impressed by the power of action of this man-being, and trusted him more than herself? Since then, this poor man now sits on the throne with this somewhat bitten and slowly rotting apple – and works and toils to shame to improve the world, and even to save it from the fact that someday no more fruit could grow on the tree. For this he invents all kinds of rules, religions and systems, and always new technologies, which is very impressive (especially for Eva ;-). And all this just to get the impending shortage under control (okay, you can also say that Adam enjoys it too, and that it is a form of his masculine creativity). At the same time, he piles up all the apples he can find, and saves and saves and saves, because he can’t believe that these fruits will just keep growing back without his intervention. This constant scarcity thinking, of course, eventually leads to constant scarcity. On a practical level, it manifests itself, for example, in the many parasitic blackheads that just naturally appear when you accumulate more than you need. It’s a never-ending struggle, a Sisyphean task. And eventually, those mountains of apples start to mold and rot. This is called a financial or economic crisis, which in the worst case leads to war and famine. If only Eve could turn her gaze away for a short time from this undoubtedly very imposing man and look up into the tree. Then she would see the abundance, and finally understand that we need neither fight nor competition, and that one needs to steer Adam’s enormous technological inventive talent only in the right direction, in order to experience a fantastic life also in material abundance. Afterwards she would have to take the apple with all art of the sensual seduction carefully from the hand of Adam to take it into the own hand and to share with Adam equally. If she succeeds in taking away the fear of the future and the obviously threatening lack from the thought-battered Adam and to make him familiar with the fullness of the tree, it is only a question of licking a few wounds of the past – to be able to bite from then on, every day strongly into the sweetest fruits. Beautiful future music, which sounds like a distant utopia. Because the fear is going around, now in pandemic proportions. It is like an obsession, like a kind of addiction to the lack, to the problem. This terrible disease, of which the absolute largest part of humanity is quite seriously afflicted, is the real cross of humanity. It is a very, very difficult task for an individual not to be infected and to keep himself free from this collective poisoning of the mind and heart. This condition expresses itself in recent times particularly also in the self-destructive poisoning of the own material environment. The realization about the godlike creation potential of the human being was it and drove the mankind out of the “paradise”. But it has remained with the focus on this first fruit, the gift of the analytical mind, while the much greater fruit, the gift of human compassion, is rarely tasted. So rarely, in fact, that the very existence of all humanity is now threatened.
To lay away from the lack, towards the fullness
Instead of diligence, discipline, struggle, concentration, competition, and intelligence, one should use exact observation and sensual (instead of mental) attention of the environment. From this everything results, by the way also the suitable practical and technological solutions, even if it may be hard to believe. Because we are used to approaching it the other way around. We try to control our fear of scarcity with countless moral and legislative rules and even more countless technological inventions. Sensual attention, on the other hand, can only be given to one’s immediate surroundings – that which can be grasped with the five senses. And it is only through the five senses that one has access to the real feelings and thus to the queen of the senses, the so-called sixth sense (intuition, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.), the highest instance. If one wants to be connected with this instance on a daily basis, a life in direct sensual contact with immediate environment can not only facilitate this enormously, but it is also virtually a condition for it. Think global, act local” points in this direction. However, to implement this as a consistent concept of life seems to be a theoretical utopia, simply because of the millions of practical problems that apparently cannot be solved unless the rest of the world plays along. A momentous error based on experience, the counterpart of intuition (intuition, instinct, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.) if it does not subordinate itself to intuition. However, if experience is used to implement the visions of intuition, it becomes a precious and irreplaceable player. To change the world from one day to the next, it already requires a good part of the population. About 20%, according to some behavioral scientists, must have a clear idea of what the future world should look like. If it remains below that, new ideas disappear again into oblivion. If the idea of artificial light or the mobile society had not struck a chord with the population, there would be no light bulbs and no cars today.
In order to stimulate desires and ideas in the population for a vision, there must be working examples, just as it took a shining light bulb and a moving automobile to awaken the desire for it. This requires oases in the industrial desert that can exemplify it. Such oases, small micro universes, will best be able to communicate the law of attention to the rest of the world, just as a healthy body cell can communicate its message to the rest of the diseased cells. But builders of these oases must know the law of attention. Otherwise, they will fail sooner or later, which includes sinking into bleak boredom. There have been many other attempts in older and more recent history to create a better world, and one could easily be inclined to entrench oneself behind the saying “The road to hell is paved with good intentions,” or “The opposite of evil is not good, but well-intentioned.” “Better always bake small rolls,” is then the supposedly wise advice. Of course, it is important that everyone works as well as he can in his own closest environment. But for one thing, it is already very difficult to stand one’s ground in the long run against the increasing and crushing attention to lack and the resulting dulling of the senses, i.e., in a workday devoid of meaning. On the other hand, the collective lack of visions of our time has a fatal effect on the mind of the people’s soul, by which it is difficult as an empathetic person not to be influenced emotionally, and actually would not be desirable as a responsible person. If there is no longer even a prospect that a more enticing future awaits at least the children or children’s children, then life consists only of shambling from one day to the next that must be survived. This way of life without a vision of the future is even sold by many spiritual teachers as the goal of life itself, life in the here and now. Hooray, hooray, back to the nursery you want to go, you morons, a Confucius might have said now. For in doing so, the creative gift of man is deliberately underestimated, which expresses itself, among other things, in the desire to shape one’s own future. In such oases to be created one will realize among other things that man has reached a stage of curiosity where he would like to mirror his individual personality also gladly into still other people than those of the own blood family and the used environment. He wants to explore and experience the many facets of his individual personality. For this purpose, a traditional small village community is no longer sufficient, while the big city cannot offer the security of community that is just as important for savoring the feeling of individual freedom. New models are therefore needed that can combine the advantages of traditional rural life with those of modern city life (an excerpt from the novel The Experiment will follow later). In such oases, one will very quickly be confronted with the fact that what most people love most, apart from good food and drink, is singing, music, dance, touch, play, fun, sex, creativity, and that in community with others. Because exactly all lets them become most human, because over it the feelings can express themselves. For this reason alone, the daily activities necessary for practical survival, for example, must not exceed an average of 3 – 4 hours a day (to slaughter one of the holiest of all cows, which is called: “Work is something good” – because “By the sweat of your brow…”). etc. up to “work makes free”. “If work were something good, the rich would not have left it to the poor”, it is said in one of the Oceanic cultures that have been able to resist, at least mentally, the white man’s work dogma. It is probably no coincidence that Paul Gauguin painted his most beautiful pictures among these extraordinarily fun-loving South Sea people – technologically, by the way, on the level of the Stone Age – which today are the most expensive paintings in the world, right after Rembrandt’s pictures. Moreover, these daily and vital activities should have to do with the elements of nature as well as the satisfaction of basic material needs such as food, drink, and clothing, and preferably be able to be carried out in community with others. “All together not feasible in our present world,” you can hear the chorus of scarcity experts cry out loud. But if we can fly to the moon or transmit billions of data within seconds – and many more fantastic things – then this task should seem like child’s play, technologically speaking, if only some of the collective attentions were first focused on it. Besides, what’s the point of being on the moon or any planets if you’re not even capable of sorting out the problems on your own planet? The problems will naturally move along, just as they have moved along to all the other continents that the white man has conquered. A prerequisite for the solution of this civilization crisis is, however, that one does not hold on to the collective delusion of technological progress and economic growth as before with almost religious zeal, which one tries to maintain with slogans like “Back to the Stone Age- no thanks” and the like.
“Give up all prudence, give up all prowess – and joy will return to the people” (from Tao-Te-King, “A Small Country”).
“If you want to change a human culture, you have to know its most sacred cows well”. With another, still holier cow than that of the work moral one would be forced in these oases – as well as later in the rest of the world – sometime to deal intensively. This holy cow is called many names but is led here times under the meanwhile common abbreviation sex. “… and they were ashamed of their nakedness and took a fig leaf …”. Almost all cultures, even the most primitive of this earth, cover their genitals. So, this seems to be something primordial human. But one does not do this for a long time always from shame before the physicality, but rather to arouse the curiosity of the opposite sex. For man – together with a few animal species such as primates and apes – has discovered sexuality as something that can be more than just serving the purpose of reproduction. Despite greater permissiveness in the Western hemisphere, this sacred cow called sex is still at large. The so-called sacred bond of marriage is, by the way, a calf of this cow, and corresponds in the least cases to the true nature of man. At the bottom here lies the deep fear of the loss of material and human security and closeness (incl. sex), which one tries to secure by means of a contract, a covenant for life. The original thought is also here again the fear of the lack.
“What you know, you love” (Scott Peck, psychotherapist, and author).
As banal as it may sound, it is also true that it is an irrefutable law of nature – and this applies not only to people. People love their children – and are loved by them in return – precisely because they know each other so well from the everyday life they have shared together over a long period of time. This “natural law of love” explains, among other things, the phenomenon that even grossly abused children often still adore their parents, and in addition often fall back into the same pattern when they grow up – i.e., let themselves be abused again, or become abusers themselves. “What you know, you love”. That is why, among other things, one loves traditions, recurring rituals, but especially one loves all living beings that surround one. But also, objects can belong to it, if these were only long enough around the own sensual(!) perception or remind of comparable objects. Therefore, it is often so difficult to separate from objects, which accompanied one over longer time in the life. One has become fond of them. Our culture is filled with old and new rules that contradict the true nature of man. The reference to two of the great ancient dogmas, those concerning work and sex, is not meant to be an invitation to lay down one’s work and make advances to one’s neighbor’s wife or husband. It is also not meant to be a focus on lack. It is only meant to raise awareness about the limitations of our current form of society and that the oppression of human nature has serious consequences for all. At the same time, however, this text is also meant to encourage us to envision a sensual future, free of moral dogmas. Even if, for the time being, everything happens only in the imagination, it will have an effect. For one must consider that these dogmas have been taught in almost all cultures of this earth over countless generations and have literally passed into genetics. Accordingly, it could take a long time to discard these behavioral patterns or to reshape them – one might think if one thinks linearly in the common trajectories of experience. But just as there are inexplicable so-called quantum leaps in physics, there are also in the cognitive ability of humans.
Nevertheless, in all attempts to develop new forms of life, extreme caution should be exercised, especially on the tabooed subjects, most especially about sex. The greater permissiveness in this area in Western cultures seems to have brought more confusion than real freedom, which is why the predominant and probably still best functioning model is that of the relationship between two people and the nuclear family. This is not only due to the industrial society, which is completely attuned to this model and virtually requires this model to be able to function, but it is also due to the romanticization of marriage/as a cohabitation of a man and a woman.
“Where are all the others, anyway?”(an African writer on a talk show about the phenomenon of twosomes and nuclear family in Europe).
The couple as a model of life and family is not that old historically. Even though marriage has existed for millennia in almost all cultures, it has always been framed by extended family or tribal community, and never on its own. Especially since the age of romanticism a good two centuries ago, the couple has been seen as the favored model, and the increasing dissolution of traditional village communities through industrialization did its part. But the romanticization has its good reason. Is there anything more exciting and at the same time sweeter than the love and passion between two adult people? The tragedy lies only in the fact that it is difficult to maintain this passion if you want to live up to all the written and unwritten norms and, on top of that, must share a household with all its mundanities. It doesn’t even take the stress-ridden modern Western-style daily routine to dispel the sweet smell of romance or the hot haze of passion with the at times somewhat musty smell of everyday life. “If you have a work shoe on one foot and a dance shoe on the other, you become neither good to one nor to the other,” says a proverb there. This fact has been known to the predominantly agrarian Mosuo people for centuries, if not for millennia, because the Mosuos have no concept of time in our sense and no written language. Just as they know no poverty, no war and no famine, and especially no parentless or divorce-traumatized children. There are not even words in their traditional vocabulary for these conditions (here are links to Mosuo info later). Of course, our culture has long recognized their pitiful mental poverty, and is doing something about it, with schools and the development of a written language. Probably soon they will not only have learned the above terms but will also experience them in body and soul.
“In the beginning was the word”
…. and at the end the confusion. If one looks once from the poetry, everything written is pure thought work – with what it has no contact with the reality (thoughts spring always (!!!) from the past. The Mosuos have been able to defy Islam, Hinduism, and communism, while Buddhism obviously could be integrated well into their old nature religion, out of free will, of course. Whereby they hopefully do not take over this nonsense from Buddhism that everything material is pure illusion. Because exactly the opposite is the case. The matter is the manifestation of the miracle of the existence. (“This is a material world, and I am a material girl” from the song Material Girl by the singer Madonna) Whether the ancient customs of the Mosuos, especially those of the so-called visiting marriage, can also withstand the sublime pressure of the social do-gooders and the material temptations of the industrial society remains to be seen. It is perhaps the last bastion of a female-led society that finally gives romantic love and sensual passion their due place in the EVERYDAY LIFE while at the same time providing the security of community that is vital to man. A unique, forward-looking model. Tendencies in modern society are already pointing in this direction. Other forms of life than the traditional rural extended family and the industrial nuclear family have been tried out for several decades, but this often proves to be very difficult under the given conditions. Whether singledom, polyamory, patchwork families, flat-sharing communities, ecological settlements, or the like. – all these are expressions of the search for new forms of life. The question is only, whether we will find still in time enough solutions, i.e., will hand over the rudder to our inner Eve, before the big world ship goes aground (oops, there he was again, the ship´s koboldwith its focus on the lack! ;-). Okay, but …
What to do?
No human community will ever be able to live in harmony and peace without creating living conditions that can simultaneously provide both material and extended family security and space for intellectual curiosity and sensual as well as sexual permissiveness. Or the other way around, once the awareness of this has awakened, these circumstances will make their way by themselves.
Sex is the strongest driving force of man, and not coincidentally also the life-generating energy. To try to suppress it, or even to regulate it, will always lead to tension and frustration. Whether under and/or above the surface. War, in addition to fear of deprivation, is ultimately a result of testosterone excess, especially that of the male segment of the population (see also research on chimpanzees and bonobos …. links on the subject). This fact, that sex is the strongest force on this planet, has been deliberately either condemned, deliberately concealed, simply overlooked or only mentioned in passing by all religions and philosophies of the epochs known to us. Sex rules A visitor from a foreign planet, who wanted to make himself a picture of the life of the people on the earth in advance with the help of philosophical literature, would experience a rough surprise after the arrival on the earth, if he would find out that it is the sex or the fear of it, what really governs this planet. Unless the person in question already knew that, for example, over 75% of all Internet traffic has to do with sex. Then he would have gotten at least a little more realistic picture of the balance of power on this planet. The greed for power is the most pronounced form of compensation for this lack of sexual fulfillment. Leaders in our masculinized society also always have an unusually strong and often unfulfilled libido. According to the law of duality, the same is usually true for the opposite, namely for the so-called losers in this society. It is particularly tragic that touch and tenderness are also quickly associated with sexuality, which isolates these people even more. But until this realization of the immense importance of physical love has penetrated the consciousness of mankind and manifested itself accordingly in the outside world, at least the next generation will be well advised to stick to the model of the relationship of two and try to make the best of it. So recommended in a guidebook for couple relationships, where the book begins as follows:
‘The devil incarnate sits with his most capable advisors and is in despair. “Now I have given mankind religions, wars, diseases, famines, work by the sweat of their brow and all kinds of other adverse circumstances. And still there are some happy people. What am I going to do to complete my work?” That’s when his best and brightest advisor speaks up, “Introduce the couple relationship!” The devil intuitively senses that this holds the solution to everlasting misery – and breaks out dancing in jubilation.’
Separate two from the rest of the community – divide et impera. Divide and rule. And already it runs, the wheel of misery. After this introduction, however, the author urges the readers to make the best out of this “hell”, which we cannot escape at the present time, and which we cannot change so quickly – and gives his advice, which has the reality of human nature as a starting point, and not some ideal. One of the realities, for example, is that most people are not, or rather are not permanently, monogamous on a sexual level. It is also a reminder that by nature it is usually the woman who has the stronger sexuality (links here to bonobos, Tahiti, Mosuos, female multi-orgasms, etc.), and that one is welcome to be aware of this. Who knows, maybe the whole human drama even took its starting point there, namely Adam’s fear of Eve’s tremendous sexual energy, which far surpasses his. Maybe he even snatched the apple from her by force, who knows. But because Eve is the wiser one, she should now take the frightened Adam by the hand and lead him (without him noticing it ;-). At the same time she would have to give him clearly the feeling that it does not go without him – what corresponds also quite to the reality. Since nothing more than the physical love (with what not only sex is meant, but also touch and tenderness) can increase the energetic vibrations, respectively the lack of the same can lower these accordingly, now this long treatise about the topic sex, love, partnership, community. This chapter ends due to the present real-life conditions in our society despite everything with a plea for the clarified and loving pair relationship as the best of all at present realizable emergency solutions. If one follows a few rules, one can transform the “hell” even to a “heaven”, claims at least the author of the above-mentioned counsellor. But in order to get there, as in all relationships, it is necessary to adhere to the one universal rule, namely, to give priority to sensual (and if possible, thought-free) attention. Only if you have the right starting point can you find the paths that lead to the goal.
“The way is the goal”?
Isn’t that ancient intelligencethat says that? It is double-edged, like every so-called wisdom. Because this saying can also be used as a lazy excuse by the procrastinators and the pseudo-patient. Inertia is also a form of fear, namely the fear of change and responsibility. In the eastern hemisphere this attitude is a more widespread philosophy of life than in the west. Then one does not need to be so surprised, i.e., about the indifference and forbearance of the masses in India or China. To interpret this inert energy as serenity would be a misjudgment. By not acting out of indifference has the lowest of all vibrations, much lower than for example hate, because here at least feelings are still present. Mostly it is even born out of former love for the object of hate. Indifference, on the other hand, is the most inhuman of all behaviors. That is why the digitalized and machinated society is the crowning of human misery.
No, it is not a nice feeling to be on the wrong path. The saying “The way is the goal” is little consolation, if not self-deception. Getting lost in the increasingly dark forest is by no means fun. There is no better feeling than to feel that you are on the right path. Or at least on one that points in the right direction. This is true both personally and collectively. But to navigate, you must know the starting point. Just as a farmer must know the boundaries of his land and the nature of his soil to produce good yields, a captain must know the port of departure to navigate to his port of destination. If, for example, one knows nothing or is insufficiently informed about powers of sexuality, one cannot use them. On the contrary, they can get in your way and cause a lot of headwinds.
The destination port should probably be called peace, joy, and pancakes (eggs perhaps as a symbol of fertility 🙂 That you try to make it as comfortable and as easy as possible on the crossing, i.e., stock up sufficiently with supplies and wind and electricity tries to exploit in his favor, should actually go without saying. But what is the best way to do that? Exactly, first use sensory awareness, observation, and focus on the essentials. What does a crew need to feel as comfortable as possible while underway? A functional ship, of course, and good supplies along the way are two of the basic requirements – but not nearly enough to keep the good vibes going. Remember, people love song, music, dance, touch, play, fun, sex, creativity, and community above all else – because that’s what makes them most human. To let them experience this and to create the necessary framework for it should be the endeavor of any leadership, without it standing out as such. As Lao-Tse writes:
“A good government is not visible. It makes sure that the people prosper and lets them believe that they live self-determined”.
Another parable by Lao-Tse perhaps expresses more clearly how good leaders of a community behave: “Why is the ocean the queen over all water? Because she lies a little lower than all other waters – therefore all rivulets, streams, floodplains, and rivers come to her all by themselves”. In addition, it would be perhaps also appropriate to describe the symbolic meaning of the water for Lao-Tse and the original teachings another parable:
“If a rock lies in the course of the brook, the water does not try to remove it from the way. It bypasses the obstacle, and yet ultimately finds the easiest way into the ocean. And by the way it still grinds the rough rock gently and smoothly”.
Oh, and what about God, the saints, spirituality, etc.?
To experience joyful and open-hearted people in a joyful environment is the greatest spirituality there is on this planet. Not only do you not need temples to do this, but they are virtually in the way. For “the goal is in the way.” Most of all, the close relationships of people with each other, as well as the relationship with the surrounding nature, can help to generate this spirituality without having the slightest conscious intention to do so. Therefore, any kind of religion and faith is in fact in the way of true spirituality, true life. Unfortunately, the desire and the primal need of people for communal rituals is exploited again and again to harness them to some cart and to try to sell some salvation messages. Whether now of a medicine man or a pope, plays thereby no role. Why should there be also more between heaven and earth than what one can see? Why is that not already exiting enough? It is just as fantastic as all the other also what one can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. What more proof is needed for the existence of an inexplicable and divine power? Why still temples, churches, and bunches of theories? And what could be more beautiful and spiritual than to become aware of it and to be able to share it with others, in a kind of daily celebration of life? Which brings us back to the basic theme of this text – to raise the energetic vibrations.
Exercise program for creating attention
Experimental arrangement for researching the phenomenon of creative attention
Duration: 30 days
Group: 10 people
Time required: 24 minutes/participant/day
Sequence: All plants should have the same physical conditions, i.e.,, receive the same amount of light and water.
- 8 plants of the same type and size/individual
- 8 plants of the same species and size/ group of two
- 8 plants of the same species and size/ total group
24 plants of the same species and size are exposed to the attention described below at 1 min/day each for a period of 30 days.
1 x executed by a single person
1 x from a group of two
1 x from the whole group
Plant No. 1: Basic supply
Nothing more is done than the basic supply of water
Plant No. 2: Basic supply + observation
As before as for plant 1, but additionally closely observed in all details and development, including written documentation.
Plant No. 3: Basic care + observation + appreciative thoughts
As before with plant 2, but in addition appreciatively recognized in thought for its qualities, including a list of these qualities, such as the rapidity of its growth, strength of its stems, beauty of its leaves, and its overall form. Feelings that may arise simultaneously with these thoughts should not only be registered, but also tried to be conveyed emotionally to the plant.
Plant No. 4: Basic care + observation + appreciative thoughts + words.
As before for plant 3, but additionally given linguistic expression
Plant No. 5: Basic care + observation + appreciative thoughts + words + physical contact.
As before with plant 4, but additionally with physical contact, e.g. by tender touching, by breathing on or caressing
Plant No. 6: Basic care + caring and critical thoughts
As plant 1, but additionally worrying and critical thoughts about not thriving, e.g. the too weak stems and too colorless leaves, incl. written documentation
Plant No. 7: Basic care + caring and critical thoughts + words
As before for plant 6, but additionally expressed linguistically
Plant No. 8: Basic care + worrying thoughts + words + physical contact.
As before for plant 7, but additionally with rough touching in the form of, i.e., pulling and bending the stem or tearing leaves or the like, as punishment for thriving too poorly or too slowly.
The first thing that should be interesting is how far the individual test subjects would go if this experiment is announced as useful scientific research. In any case, there should be agreement among all participants as to how far one wants to go, or at which signs one wants to change the experimental procedure, e.g., in case of extraordinary misgrowth of the mistreated plants, and which “reparation measures” should be applied, if necessary.
Each participant creates a kind of diary, except for plant no. 1, in which the development of the respective plant is precisely documented. This is done in turn in the groups, as is the basic supply of water.
Each participant takes care of 8 plants alone, 8 plants together with a second person in a group of two and 8 plants together with the whole group, always according to the procedure described above.
At the end of the planned period, the experiences and documentation of the individuals, the groups of two, and the overall group are compiled and presented.
Even if most readers, here particularly the plant lovers, the result to be expected might have already quite clear before eyes, such an attempt could still hold the one or other surprise. Most of all, however, this experiment should serve to deepen the knowledge about the creative power of sensual attention.
II) Mental detoxification
Duration: 30 days
1. focus away from all big problems
2. only one subject of own esteem. Make a list of positive qualities, select the best point, possibly with the help of another person.
3. only register and observe thoughts and feelings, not analyze, or evaluate them. Try to distinguish between “real” and “fake” feelings (see chapter The Power of Feelings).
4. exchange with other participants of the course
5. let the mental cleansing go hand in hand with a physical one, e.g. fasting or partial fasting (e.g. in relation to work, internet, TV, alcohol, coffee or other stimulant/compensation).
III) The technique of unpowered desire (the principle of creation)
Duration: unlimited
1. the non-want (the problem analysis)
Results from II)3. among others, i.e., from observing also the unpleasant. Both what concerns real events and only the thoughts about it. Look at the problems very closely, illuminate them from all sides and angles – but only register, do not evaluate, do not analyze.
2. the will (the desire)
Results from not wanting, i.e., the opposite of what one does not want. Visualize as precise and pictorial a “script” of what you want as possible (preferably with your head tilted upwards by about 20°). Do not start immediately with the big wishes, but first with the smaller ones – for practice and to become familiar and confident with this new force that will enter your life from now on. When the confidence is strong enough, you can start with the big wishes. However, it is then of utmost importance to be clear about one’s deepest heart’s desires. For the proverb applies: “Be careful with what you wish for. It could come true”. And with this approach described here, it could possibly happen even faster than you can even imagine. Besides, it is advisable, at least in the beginning, to express only one wish at first. It is obvious that wishes which are beyond human reach have less chance of being fulfilled in the foreseeable future. A trip to the moon could theoretically be quite possible, and also a presidential candidacy in the USA. But then one should be clear about the fact that for the one a pronounced physical fitness and for the other the US-American citizenship is a prerequisite.
3. empathizing with the wish
Visualize your wish as intensively and as often as possible, e.g. make it a ritual like a morning, noon and/or evening prayer. Tell this wish aloud to oneself or to other familiar persons, daydream at every given opportunity or perform dream journeys with the help of another person. Feeling one’s own enthusiasm. The more intense the feeling, the stronger and faster the manifestation on the outside.
4. being attentive in the waiting loop
Pay attention to small signs from outside (synchronicity of events), such as the sudden and frequent appearance of information on the subject related to the corresponding desire. If the wish is e.g. a red Porsche, this will show up more often on the street, maybe you will meet someone who drives such a car, the neighbor child comes with a toy edition of this model, the car dealer who actually only carries Mercedes suddenly has a used red Porsche on offer or similar. In these incidents, pay special attention to the spontaneous “real” feelings. They give among other things information about the topicality of the desire. If the first feeling is not wonder and joy, but rather melancholy or doubt, this wish may no longer be current, or may never have been a real wish of the heart. In this case, of course, consider taking it off the wish list. Pay attention to spontaneous impulses! Especially with important decisions never act without receiving a clear impulse from the highest instance, the intuition ((intuition, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.). One knows in this moment immediately – just like in the so-called moment of shock – what to do – and acts accordingly, and usually correctly. But never – never – act without this clear impulse. Then apply Wu-Wei: “Better to do nothing than to achieve little with much effort”(Lao-Tse). Blind actions, on top of that, can create a lot of chaos and end up being very destructive. If a wish comes true with ease and without much effort, you are on the right path. One is in flow with the forces of the universe. Things come to you; you don’t need to chase them. Good events happen as if controlled by a magic hand. The biggest obstacles in this phase: impatience! (“The goal is in the way”) and the over-patience (“The way is the goal”) Every feeling of impatience and doubt is a focus on the lack, on the fear of not getting something! And this is exactly what will happen when this feeling gets the upper hand. Also, fear makes life hell. And the more sensitive the person, the hotter the hell.
What to do when fear comes? (= the confidence goes)
First, question which old belief pattern about lack is behind it. Then change the pattern by trying to imagine the opposite, that is, the desired. In addition, observe the environment, and if necessary, protect yourself from it. Absolutely most people are stuck in the feeling of lack, the fear of not being or getting enough. Even if most of them are not aware of it, they are afraid, and usually try to cover it up, because otherwise they could be declared strange or even mentally ill, or the feeling simply seems overwhelming. This feeling of fear is overall present, and in most places even predominant! By the way, the same applies to the material environment, where one should try to protect oneself as much as possible from the pollution that is present everywhere, starting with food. Because as we affect the matter, this affects vice versa on us! So, if possible, surround yourself in good surroundings with familiar people, at the best also still such who are familiar with the law of the creative attention (there it becomes, however, as a rule already thinner in the selection). Otherwise, create security for the insecure inner child, whatever it needs for that. And then go about your daily activities as usual. Calmly and in the knowledge that everything will be fine. Registering thoughts of a negative nature like one registers dark clouds – to then let them move on. If over a longer period of time – i.e.,, over several weeks or months – nothing at all happens in the direction that one wishes, i.e.,, that no signs at all come from a u s s e n and one feels no impulses to act, one should not simply hold out, but perhaps ask oneself honestly what one still has the negative attention on, or whether the wishes are really still current (if not, the feeling does not resonate). Exactly here lies the difference to Wu-Wei, the core of the teachings of living with and in Tao in the sense of Lao-Tse, where one only influences the environment through pure sensual perception – and waits for impulses to act. But if one follows this instruction here, one takes actively the role of the impulse-creator, of the creator, of the acting, in order to form the circumstances in his own sense. Should these actions be in contradiction with the great superordinate plan, the Tao, the universe, the dear God etc., i.e., with it also our own deepest intuition (inspiration, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense etc.), the reality, one will fail anyway. If impatience and doubt do not give way, which is quite normal, for example, in a depression, where one has almost no contact with intuition (intuition, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.), one can do something to help.), one can do something to reduce the fear and get back in contact with the inner guidance, the intuition, namely intentionally and consciously try to create nice feelings and thereby switch from fearful victim mode or apathetic idle/halt mode (like the absolute majority of the population) to incentive mode.
The spur mode
This chapter consists almost exclusively of keywords that should remind you of the respective techniques. For the most part they are taken from the book by Lynn Grabhorn “Wake up, your life is waiting”, where they are described very unstructured, but in detail. Without having read this book or having these keywords explained by me, you might not be able to do much with some of the points.
- Change focus try to imagine beautiful and pleasant, and if that does not work, at least again a subject of your own appreciation (see 30 days program)
- gentle coaxing – external and internal smiles – humor, laughter (in laughter clubs if necessary)
- Doingthingsyouenjoy
- “Being in love”
- – “Sweetness oftheSelf”
- Dream journey “What if …”, “Back then” (beautiful memory), and then merging of the two
- Replace a short-lasting spontaneous feeling, e.g. generated by an external and internal smile, with a longer-lasting one, e.g. a nice story. Ifsuccessful, tryto link withcurrentwish.
- Diviningrodtest
- -seeing the good in the bad (stopgap solution, since purely intellectual)
- – Singing loudly or softly, wildly, or quietly. Dancing, alone, or with others
- Pure observation of the environment. Nature, people, objects, etc. (“And then you have to have time to just sit there and look in front of you”.(Astrid Lindgren)
- Playing and moving, gladly pushing the limits of fitness, and savoring the subsequent “dopamine shot”. Sauna followed by a bath in ice-cold water can have a similar effect
- Showing interest in other people. This generates joy in others, which can be contagious -.
- Showing othersone’s admiration and affection. With looks, gestures and words
- Seeking out “living”, i.e., immediate, spontaneous, unbiased and emotional people
- Visiting “lively” noisy (not noisy 😉 places, e.g., certain squares in a city
- Seeking out “living” silent places, e.g., in nature
- Showing wonder, enthusiasm, awe, and gratitude for creation, in thoughts, feelings, words, or deeds
- Show appreciation of everything that exists (e.g. street signs 🙂 – see “Wake up, your life is waiting”). Appreciationisthehighest form ofcosmiclove!
- persist with the “production” of good feelings, just like before with the “production” of bad feelings 😉
- being affectionate to oneself and/or to others, including pets
- flirt, a strong daily affirmation, and pure elixir of life
- Have sex, with oneself, and/or with others. This, however, insofar as it includes others than themselves, with caution. Alas. Rules, dogmas, and genes, as described in the chapter Oases, should be considered. In addition, intense intimate contact almost always gives rise to a strong emotional bond simply because of the starved bodies and souls. Since people have different energy potentials and are also in contact with their own feelings to different degrees, the desires for intensity and type of bonding can also vary greatly. Clear and above all warm communication, possibly with the help of professional therapists, can sometimes help to eliminate existing ambiguities. Despite the spirit of the times to the contrary, one should be aware that the human soul can only cope with a certain amount of separation from intense relationships. At least this will be true until we have managed to offer the individual again the necessary security in the community, which also does not let the separation from a beloved person also become a material and/or social problem at the same time. Only then can spontaneous and uncommitted erotic relationships become a part of everyday human life (see Mosuo Culture), without creating more chaos than pleasure and joy. It is best to be quite clear about these facts before fully indulging in sensual pleasures – unless intuition (intuition, instinct, feeling, gut feeling, hunch, sixth sense, etc.) tells you unequivocally that, in addition to erotic attraction, there is also potential for a longer-lasting partnership. “Man can only be really happy permanently when all people in his community are happy”. This fact is consciously felt this way by very few people who feel happy. And yet: truly sensitive happy people feel a desire to share their happiness, and to give some of it to unhappy people. Often, therefore, they also notice the unhappiness of others, and would like to change it – because in the end it causes their own happiness. “A sorrow shared is a sorrow halved,” they say, and “Joy shared is joy doubled.” But especially regarding the latter, this calculation does not apply. Shared joy is more than double joy, which is not subject to any mathematical law. With group and/or with pair relations the energy can potentiate itself around a multiple. However only with all-sided knowledge of the law of the creative attention. And very importantly: With common desires absolute clarity and agreement must prevail. Otherwise,itcan´tworkproperly, ofcourse.
Literature that inspired this text:
- “Tao Te Ching” (Lao Tzu)
- “Wu-Wei” (Theo Fischer)
- “Pooh the Bear, Piglet and the Virtue of Doing Nothing” (Benjamin Hoff).
- “The Wonderful Way” (Scott Peck).
- “Wake Up, Your Life is Waiting” (Lynn Grabhorn).